Sc+¦z am Rhein
Burg Scôzes, Burg Scôzes: Rebirth of a Symbol, Hrnoz-Spandew Travels, Scôz am Rhein Picture Gallery
A Concise Grammar of Feorran
Feorran is a language of the Ross Group of the Antarctic Language Family. Site presents a descriptive grammar of the language based upon fieldwork undertaken in 1995-96. Also included are concise lexicons, both Feorran to English and English to Feorran, folktales in Feorran with analysis, and a brief ethnographic sketch. [Contains fictitious information]
AIDS Facts
"The true but little known facts about women and AIDS, with documentation, by Dr. Juatta Lyon Fueul." [Contains fictitious information].
Alek's Christmas Lights Webcam
Control 17,000 Christmas lights via the web [Contains fictitious information.]
Alex Chiu's Eternal Life Device
Information about immortality rings. [Contains fictitious information]
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
Information about psychotronic mind control blockage using an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie. [Contains fictitious information.]
BBC News: Blondes 'To Die Out in 200 Years&ap
Natural blondes are an endangered species and will die out by 2202, a study suggests. [Contains fictitious information]
Brain Transplantation
History and examples of this medical procedure. [Contains fictitious information]
Burger King Introduces Left-handed Whopper
Archived press release dated March 31, later revealed as an April Fool's joke.
Buy Dehydrated Water
Information, store, and consumer testimonials. [Contains fictitious information]
California's Velcro Crop Under Challenge
Problems with the 1993 harvest. [Contains fictitious information].
Crystal Spirit Wolf Runner
A discussion of the 'discovery' of true Indian spirituality. [Contains fictitious information]
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division
The controversy and dangers of this widespread and potentially deadly chemical element. [Also known as water].
Dog Island
Information on a tropical island for dogs. [Contains fictitious information.]
Facts About
Garbled facts about science and history. [Contains fictitious information]
Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
Government agency responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations. [Contains fictitious information]
Feline Reactions to Bearded Men
Cats' responses to photographs of unshaved men. [Contains fictitious information].
Floral Sculpture Clinic
Bio-ceramic cosmetic jewelry skeletal implants. [Contains fictitious information.]
Gawmless End
An illustrated description and history of a historic old Lancashire farmhouse nestling among the Rossendale Hills in the West Pennines of northern England. [Contains fictitious information.]
Genetics company selling the perfect offspring. [Contains fictitious information].
International Trepanation Advocacy Group (ITAG)
Trepanation is the practice of making a hole in the skull. ITAG is dedicated to accumulating the largest base of information about trepanation on the web. [Contains possibly fictitious information]
Lake Michigan Whale Watching
Information and pictures on dolphin and whale watching in Lake Michigan. [Contains fictitious information]
Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella
Describes a revolutionary gel that stops ordinary water from penetrating skin. [Contains fictitious information]
Mankato, Minnesota
Tour the underwater city, and learn how "the winter temperature in many Mankato neighborhoods has never dropped below a balmy 70 degrees." [Contains fictitious information].
McWhortle Enterprises
Manufacturer of biological defense mechanisms. Includes testimonials and investment information. [Contains fictitious information]
Microsoft Linux
News and features of the product for business or desktop uses. [Contains fictitious information]
Microsoft Plans Toilets With Web Access
Article reporting that Microsoft is developing public toilets with Internet access. [Contains fictitious information]
Minnesota Coconut Growers
Brief information about coconut production in the state of Minnesota. [Contains fictitious information]
MoonBeam Enterprises and Lunar Travel Agency
Developer of prime moon real estate encourages the making of reservations for homes and resorts soon to be available. [Contains fictitious information.]
Primate Programming Inc.
Dedicated to the advancement and gainful employment of non-human great apes within the United States information technology sector. [Contains fictitious information.]
Rent My Son
Service information from a child rental agency. [Contains fictitious information]
RYT Hospital - Dwayne Medical Center
Innovative miracles of modern medicine, such as nanodocs. [Contains fictitious information]
Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
Information about this endangered creature and what can be done to save it. [Contains fictitious information]
Shades for Men
Lipstick for males. [Fictitious site]
Shards O'Glass
Developer of glass shard edible consumer products intended for adults. [Contains fictitious information: it is a parody of tobacco ads, products, and websites.]
The First Human Male Pregnancy
Documentary on "the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." [Contains fictitious information].
The Ova Prima Foundation
It is the foundation's primary objective to continue to build a body of scientific evidence that will shed light on the egg-and-chicken controversy. [Contains fictitious information.]
Product information on temporary employee vending machines. [Contains fictitious information]
Visit Exciting Fredericton
"Fredericton is fast becoming the milk- and knowledge-based centre of Atlantic Canada." Town history, points of interest, businesses and accommodations, and the town crest. [Contains fictitious information.]
Wakita County Library
Library has few visitors so it sends the library out in bookmobiles. [Contains fictitious information]
We Want Your Soul
Company offering cash in exchange for souls. [Contains fictitious information]
White House []
Spoof of [Contains fictitious information].
World Jump Day
Information on a plan to alter Earth's orbit by multiple people jumping. [Contains fictitious information]