english deutsch
ANU Health Service
Offers a confidential primary care service for the convenience of students, their spouses, partners and children, University staff and the public.
Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management
Australian City and Regional Network
A research network for an environmentally sustainable Australia.
Australian National University
Bioinformatics Group
Research School of Biological Sciences. Researches both molecular bioinformatics and biodiversity informatics.
Burton and Garran Hall
Student residence situated on the ANU campus.
Centre for Educational Development and Academic Me
The ANU's centre for the professional development of Academic Staff.
Department of Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Faculty of Law
One of the foremost centres of legal research in Australia.
Institute of the Arts
Comprising the Canberra School of Arts, Canberra School of Music, and the Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology.
Regulatory Institutions Network
Includes mission statement, management structure and research centres. A division of ANU's Research School of Social Sciences.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Specialises in academic social science research and postgraduate training in the Asia and Pacific regions.
Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineeri
School of Resources, Environment and Society
Courses focus on how societies shape and are shaped by the environment, how societies manage and use natural resources, and how people impact on the environment.
The John Curtin School of Medical Research
The JCSMR has a 50 year history of research achievement, unparalleled by any other Australian biomedical research institution.