english deutsch
Administrative Affairs
Investigates and enforces university services, safety, facilities and capital planning, financial accounting, management, human resources and strategic planning.
Administrative Computing Services
Administrative functions portal for all university affiliated persons.
Alumni Relations
Alumni events, travel, promotional material, alumni achievements and contacts, forums and alumni articles.
Busch Campus Center
Events, services, organizations, reservations, dining and campus information desk.
Cashier's Office
Accounting and finance management services.
Program and course descriptions past, present and future.
Center for Organizational Development and Leadersh
Facilitating public and organizational service to enhance education and teaching.
Compliance, Student Policy and Judicial Affairs
Enforcement and advising relevant to the University Code of Student Conduct and university implemented state laws.
Computing Services
Primary campus computing support and administration.
Computing Services Accessibility
Federal and state compliance status and resources.
Computing Services Admitted Student Computing Reso
Administration portal for all university affiliated persons.
Computing Services Campus Computing Facilities Gro
Installs, maintains and designs university computing facilities.
Computing Services Computer Lab Consultant Employm
Promotional and administrative materials.
Computing Services Computer Repair
Discount repair for all university affiliated hardware.
Computing Services Computer Store
Discount hardware.
Computing Services Computer Training
Education and tutoring.
Computing Services FAQs
Detailed, specific and immediate computing support.
Computing Services Human Resources
Computer lab employment and related referral.
Computing Services Network Security
Recommendations and education.
Computing Services RUNet Dial-Up Access
Access numbers and procedures.
Computing Services University FTP
FTP mirror to ease regional networks.
Computing Services University Licensed Software
Software licensing for university affiliated ownership.
Computing Services University VPN Access
University secure, authenticated access.
Computing Services Web Toolkit
University web templates.
Computing Services Wireless Networking
Hardware, support and news.
Custodian of Records
Maintains and plans university data security and distribution.
Dining Services
Nutrition education and outreach, employment, Faculty Staff Dining, Knight Express, undergraduate meal plans, housing dining, vending machines, Rutgers Club, Satistrack and catering.
Division of Public Safety - Police Department - Fr
Rutgers safety and security monthly newsletter. Subscription and links.
Education Tax Benefits
Deducations, procedures, forms, facts and resources.
Environmental Health and Safety
Enforces and educations chemical, radiological, biological and physical hazards.
Facilities Operations and Services
Maintains and monitors all university power, vehicular, landscaping, signage and building resources.
Financial Aid
Offers application process and forms.
Grant and Contract Accounting
Coordinates and administers externally sponsored programs for university benefit.
Monthly electronic newsletter on research programs, sponsored research and grants.
Institutional Research and Academic Planning
Publishes reports and surveys including Rutgers Fact Book and placement testing.
Interior Design
Budget estimates and interior design services.
International Faculty and Student Services
Cultural, practical, social and organizational resources for international students.
Laboratory Animal Services
Directs, aids and enforces live animal and human testing standards.
Media Relations
Processes all university press releases.
University system-wide identification and authentication schemes for all computer, records and facilities access.
Office of Corporate Liaison and Technology Transfe
Promotes and aids research to business development.
Office of Federal Relations
The lobbying office of Rutgers University; the site allows you to compose and send an e-mail or printed letter to your member of Congress.
Office of Labor Relations
Monitors and addresses labor disputes and resolution.
Office of the Associate Vice President for Human R
Staff compensation and encouragement, employment services, labor relations, employee benefits, counseling, compliance and equity and professional and organizational development.
Employee enrollment, payroll, reporting and taxation services.
Procurement and Contracting
Oversees logistical and physical allocation including delivery and retail services, supplier coordination, contracting and travel.
Forms, administration, records, Network ID, statisticals, reports, certifications and documents.
Research and Sponsored Programs
Research policies, available funding, proposal preparation and authorization, Federal agency mediation and legal compliance.
RU Connection Card
Centralized cash, identification and access card.
Search Campus Information Services knowledgebase.
University-wide core communications services, currently email and calendaring.
Rutgers Campaign
Long-term capital fundraising and related projects administration.
Sexual Assault Services
Therapy, counseling and medical and legal advising.
State Relations
State government liason and coordination.
Student Employment
Administers Federal Work Study and job location and development programs.
Supplier Diversity Program
Assures backup and promotes resourcefulness in university material acquisitions.
System Administration Resources
Massive documentation, knowledge base, links, resources, contacts, email lists, news and readmes.
Teaching Excellence Centers
Aids and rewards teaching innovation and achievement.
The University Regulations & Procedures Manual
Compiles regulations approved by the Board of Governors as well as certain administrative procedures.
Trademark Licensing Office
Coordinates and enforces image and reputation of university name and identifying marks by administrative and academic departments, student organizations, alumni, web sites and retailers.
Transportation logistics aid and implementation for all university affiliated persons and organizations.
University Controller
Oversight for all university financial offices.
University Foundation
Financial fundraising and philantropy. Online donation, news, estate and planning advising and corporate relations.
University Harassment Compliance and Equity
Resources for enforcing and prosecuting affirmative action and harassment violations.
University Planning and Development
Design, construct and maintain high quality physical environments through planning, zoning, horticultural and building design, technical services, project management and GIS databases.
University President
News, biography, University Governing Boards, administrative structure and strategic planning.
University Procurement Services
Logistical provisions, interior design, contracting and travel services.
University Relations
Directs and enforces the image and mission of university news, media and communications.
University Scheduling and Space Management
Physical and logical university logistics including class schedules and facility management.
University Strategic Plan
Conforms all university commitments, goals, and strategies with long-term planning.