english deutsch
Department of Chemical Engineering
Deals with the chemical and physical processes used to develop and make pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, artificial biocompatible polymers, and similar products.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Includes details of graduate and degree programs, and faculty and staff listings.
Department of Computer Science
Contains information about study and research programs, news letters, and faculty and student listings.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Study and research programs encompass the basic physics of semiconductors, through electronic and optical devices, the design of computers, to algorithms and structures for biological and information technologies.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Offers study and research in combustion and energy conversion, computational engineering, dynamics and control systems, environmental energy technology assessment, flight science and technology, fluid mechanics, lasers and applied physics, and materials and mechanical systems.
Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Provides study and research in financial management and risk analysis, logistics and supply chain management, optimal design of engineered systems, security pricing, signal and image processing, and traveler information and decision support.
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Overview of undergraduate and graduate program offerings and research activities, with links to specific departments.