english deutsch
Academic and Events Calendar
A month by month collection of links describing upcoming events occurring on campus.
Department of Athletics
Contains a list of sport rules, gymnasium hours, intramurals, activities and eligibility requirements.
Division of Alumni Affairs
Contains upcoming events, reunions, email directory, Alumni publications, associations and professional organizations and clubs.
Division of Pharmacy (Boston)
The School of Pharmacy in Boston offers a six-year program leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. Students follow a curriculum that combines general, specialized, and applied science courses with those in the liberal arts, and prepares them for an increasingly visible role on the health care team.
School of Health and Sciences - Radiologic Science
The four-year Bachelor of Radiological Science (BRS) Program offers majors in Nuclear Medicine Technology (NMT), Radiation Therapy (RT), and Radiography (RAD). Students majoring in Nuclear Medicine Technology can minor in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or management.
School of Pharmacy - Residency Program
Pharmacists completing this pharmacy practice residency (with emphasis in managed care) will be proficient and confident practitioners of pharmaceutical care in multiple health care environments, particularly managed care.
Sheppard Library
An information center that maintains a working collection of 60,000 cataloged materials and an archives collection documenting the history of the College.