Elihu Burritt Library
Curriculum Lab, Electronic Resources, Elihu Burritt Archives, Elihu Burritt Library, Gender Equity Archives, Polish American Archives
Provides online shopping for textbooks, merchandise, software, and books of general interest.
Fitness Wellness Center
Promotes awareness through programs which enhance, and empower the individual to develop emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual and physical health. Services available to faculty, staff and students.
Marcus White Microcomputer Lab
Consists of 230 computers (PC and Macintosh), printers and scanners, with two computerized classrooms set up in the lab for faculty and training use.
Media Center
Facilities and services for origination and editing of audio programs; color studio and on-location television production; satellite reception and teleconferencing; engineering and technical services, graphic design services for faculty and staff, instructional design services, and media equipment purchasing, among others.
Ruthe Boyea Women's Center
Services for students, faculty and staff, including peer support, counseling, legal referrals and crisis intervention. The trained staff responds to a range of individual concerns such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, transition and return to college, and personal development. Also sponsors educational and cultural programs and serves as a resource center in response to the ends and interests of the Campus.
University Art Gallery
Information on current, past and future exhibits, plus hours of operation.