Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program
Contains a listing of malignancies that are treated, contact information, and a brief overview.
California Space Institute
Features seminars, lectures, webcast center, student activities and links.
Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics
News, history, research data, project information, and faculty information.
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Research in cell biology and molecular biology to understand human disease. Seminars, teaching, research and faculty.
Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences
An interdisciplinary research unit for research and graduate study in astronomy, astrophysics, and space sciences. Areas of specialization include high-energy astrophysics, optical and ultraviolet astronomy, infrared astronomy, radio astronomy, theoretical astrophysics, cosmology, solar physics, space plasma physics, interferometry, and astronomical instrumentation.
Center for Coastal Studies
Study areas include waves, currents, and tides in nearshore and estuarine waters; sediment transport by waves, winds, and rivers; fluid-sediment interactions; and marine archaeology.
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
Staff listings, course listings, and publication information about this academic institute devoted to the comparative analysis of the causes and effects of international immigration and immigration policy.
Center for Human Development
Faculty information, course information, and research project information for this interdisciplinary program.
Center for Magnetic Recording Research
A collaborative approach by an interdisciplinary group of researchers to develop significant advances in ultra-high density storage, and ultra-high data rates, for disk and tape recording systems.
Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine
A research division dedicated to the exploration of the novel and diverse resources of the ocean. Research programs focus on marine biomedicine and marine drug discovery, with an emphasis on cancer and both infectious and inflammatory diseases.
Center for Molecular Genetics
Research in molecular genetics and signal transduction including key efforts in developmental genetics, protein structure, human genetic diseases, and gene therapy.
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts
Interest include interactive multimedia, digital audio, digital video, sound spatialization, virtual environments, robotics, computer composition, installation, artificial intelligence, and art projects. News, events, people, live media.
Center for Research in Language
Brings together faculty, students and research associates who share an interest in the nature of language, the processes by which it is acquired and used, and the mediation of language in the human brain.
Center for Research on Education Equity, Assessmen
A research group which studies the effectiveness of K-12 outreach efforts.
Center for U.S. - Mexican Studies
Information on programs, conferences, and faculty.
Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials
Features recent research highlights, presentations, movies, facilities and capabilities.
Chemosensory Perception Lab
Performs research on how people perceive chemicals and how chemicals exert short-term effects on people.
Geosciences Research Division
Scientists address a wide range of topics in the earth, ocean and atmospheric sciences, including studies of physical, chemical, and geobiological processes of Earth's mantle, crust, ocean and atmosphere.
Geotechnic at UCSD
Provides information on soil-structure interaction and beam on elastic foundation. Offer an online finite element program for modelling footing and pile in linear and nonlinear soils.
Institute for Nonlinear Science
People, research, seminars, meetings, FTP archive and web resources.
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
From a multi-disciplinary platform, IGCC supports research into conflict resolution through international cooperation.
Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition
Projects, publications, calendar, history, archives, affliations, and discussions.
Marine Physical Laboratory
Ocean environmental acoustics, signal processing, marine physics and geophysics, and ocean technology.
Peripheral Nerve Research Laboratory
Basic research studies of the peripheral nervous system, especially the pathogenesis of traumatic, toxic, and metabolic neuropathies that are painful.
Rebecca and John Moores Cancer Center
NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center conducts basic and clinical research, provides patient care and offers support. A University of California institution located in San Diego.
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
The central nexus for the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. Publications, research, and news.
The Center for Democratization and Economic Develo
Dedicated to introducing the experiences of Pacific Rim societies into the mainstream of the scholarly and popular discourses on the relationship between socio-economic and political change.
The Center for Iberian & Latin American Studie
Introduction to the research and study programs on the UC San Diego campus.
The Center for Wireless Communications
A cross-disciplinary program of research and education targeted at the emerging needs of the cellular and wireless communications industry.
UCSD Core Bio Services
Offers molecular biology, such as operon oligonucleotide synthesis, plasmid purification, cell culture supplies, liquid nitrogen storage for cell lines, and biologicals.
UCSD Division of Infectious Diseases
Faculty, fellowships, postdoctoral research, medical student information.
University of California White Mountain Research S
Interdisclinary high altitude research and educational outreach facility managed by UCSD. Based in Owens Valley with four research stations including the highest in North America. Information on fellowships, courses, and research is provided.
Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Contains a listing of news items, an industrial internship program, resources, members listing, and upcoming events.