Alumni.NET - University of California at Berkeley
Message board, reunion announcements, and other alumni related information.
Cal Alumni Club of New England
Event calendar, membership information, and listserv.
Cal Alumni Club of New Mexico
Events, and membership information for this group of Berkeley alumni living in New Jersey.
Cal Alumni Club of Santa Barbara
Newsletter archive, membership information, events calendar, and contact information.
Cal Band Alumni Association
Discussion listserv and events calendar.
California Alumni Association
News, member directory, events, alumni store, and giving information.
Pilipino-American Alumni
History, events, membership information, and contact information for this alumni group which attempts to serve the Pilipino-American students at Berkeley.
UC Alumni Chorus
A thriving 95 member ensemble. Offers events, membership and history.
University of California Gay and Lesbian Alumni As
Describes the organization's purpose, upcoming meetings and conferences, contacts, related links, and minutes.