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Employment at UVic
Provides links to both academic and non-academic employment and career opportunities at the University of Victoria.
Human Resources
Advertises employment opportunities and coordinates the hiring of staff for non-faculty positions. It also oversees employee benefits, and negotiates and administers the collective agreements in place between the University and its employees.
Humanities Computing and Media Centre
Offers comprehensive services ranging from customized software programs developed by the R and D team to audio-visual dubbing. Location map, facilities, services, projects, software and resources.
Institutional Planning & Analysis
Provides information and analytical services for policy planning and decision making. Reports, definitions, organization chart, roles and responsibilities, factbook, news, staff and links.
Occupational Health and Safety
Provides information and training, and interpretation of regulations, legislation and standards related to occupational health and safety.
Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment, Offic
Educational programs and resources on sexual and personal harassment, bullying. Includes policy on discrimination and harassment.
Student and Ancillary Services
Administrative units which help students maintain their physical, social, emotional and spiritual health. Includes departments.
University Secretary, Office of the
Facilitates the activities of the Board of Governors, the Senate and Foundations; coordinates Convocation, Copyright, and all matters concerning access to information and privacy.