english deutsch
Armenian Studies
Offers details about Armenian studies, fellowships, history, department news and research resources.
Department of International Relations
Contact information, staff and courses.
Hebrew University - Faculty of Humanities
Academic units, research center, online courses, student information and databases.
Hebrew University - Faculty of Science
Academic units, projects, grants, directory, calendar, library information.
Hebrew University - Faculty of Social Science
Faculty departments, academic programs, research, and student information.
Rothberg International School
A programme for overseas students. Accredited semester, year and summer programs for graduates and undergraduates, and M.A. degree programs taught in English.
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Studies, research, staff and on-line resources.
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology
The Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Information about academic staff, courses, events, research centres, library and services.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is one of Israel's largest and most important academic centers. With 22,600 students enrolled every year, it has a vast academic research both in Humanities and Science. Information about the faculties, schools, admission, courses, R&D, and the Rothberg School for Overseas Students.
Yissum Research Development Co.
The exclusive owner of the University's know-how. Yissum's main activity is to create business arrangements with industry throughout the world in order to commercialize innovations of the Hebrew University scientists.