english deutsch
@IT - The Computer Science Society
Organises paintball, pub crawls, trips to computer shows, and other events.
A Capella Music Society
Improvisations, and trips to concerts, gigs, competitions and music festivals.
Act One Drama Society
Production details, committee members and social photographs.
AIESEC Cardiff
Members have an exchange opportunity to travel to over 80 countries and work in companies professionally.
Amnesty International
Cardiff's chapter of the international human rights organisation.
Ancient History Society
Weekly gatherings at the Mackintosh pub, trips, events, and social occasions.
Anglican Society
A society for Christians of the Anglican denomination. Those who are not Anglican or not Christian are welcome.
Asian Society
Includes information about the society's events, steering committee, and contacts.
Bellringing Society
Forthcoming events and contacts.
Cardiff Students' Union
Advice centre, student information, links to clubs and societies.
Catholic Society
Chaplaincy resources, mass times, newsletter.
CHAOS - Physics Society
Includes contact information.
Christian Union
Part of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship.
Hellenic Society
Events and support for Hellenic and Cypriot students and friends.
Student Conservation Volunteers
Gets involved with practical conservation tasks, including tree planting, butterfly counting and footpath laying.
University Choral Society & Symphony Orchestra
Centred on students of the Department of Music but also welcomes students and staff from throughout the University.