Cardiff Business School
Offers an MBA course as well as undergraduate and other postgraduate study. Information for prospective and current students, staff, and businesses.
Cardiff Law School
Includes undergraduate, postgraduate, professional, research, and staff information.
Centre for Lifelong Learning
Provides part-time adult education courses, continued professional development, and business language training, including training for translation services and interpreters.
News, current and prospective undergraduate students, MSc in Molecular Modelling, guest lectures, and information about vacancies.
City and Regional Planning
"Planning is the activity of managing change in the built and natural environment." Research, prospective and current student information, staff, news, events.
Computer Science
Research areas include parallel and distributed computing, evolutionary and neural computing, heuristics for combinatorial optimization, computational spectral theory, vision, computational geometry, and federated information systems, object-oriented systems, contraints, data warehousing and data mining.
Earth Sciences
Undergraduate and postgraduate courses and admissions, study and research opportunities, research facilities, commercial services.
News and events, admissions, teaching, alumni, and staff directory.
English Language Programmes
Provide courses in English language and academic study skills to full-time overseas students studying or intending to study at Cardiff University.
English, Communication and Philosophy
Organised into English Literature, Language and Communication, Critical and Cultural Theory, and Philosophy divisions. Includes undergraduate, postgraduate, research, and staff information.
European Studies
Includes courses in Politics, French, German, Hispanic, and Italian studies. Postgraduate and research information, staff details, journals, and useful links.
History and Archaeology
Courses in archaeology, archaeological conservation, ancient history, and Welsh history. Includes course, administrative, teaching and research information.
Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
Research and teaching interests in journalism and other contemporary media, and public and media relations.
School, staff, course, research, events, and general information.
Optometry and Vision Sciences
BSc degree, research, academic positions, eye clinic.
Physics and Astronomy
Includes information about the department, admissions, teaching, research, and local resources.
Religious and Theological Studies
Undergraduate BA, BD and BTh degree courses in Christianity, Judaism, Indian religions and Islam. Taught postgraduate degrees and research also available.
Social Sciences
Includes Education courses. Current and prospective student information, staff, degree courses, news and events.
The Welsh School of Architecture
Includes information about courses, library, centres, laboratories, and student work.
Wales NPQH / CPCP Cymru
Trains teachers in preparation for school headship. Information about the centre and the qualifying process.
Undergraduate courses in Welsh Studies; postgraduate courses in translation, Welsh, ethnological studies, early Celtic studies, and medieval British studies.