BP Institute
Uses theoretical, numerical, and experimental methods to conduct research into multi-phase fluid flows.
Cavendish Astrophysics Group
Details of research interests and opportunities, surveys and catalogues, and publications.
Centre for Atmospheric Science
Degree, post-doctoral, and research information, along with staff and student contact details.
High Energy Physics Group
Includes an overview of research activities, details of how to apply to be a graduate student, and information about health and safety issues.
Institute of Astronomy
Includes details of facilities, research, staff, and conferences.
Institute of Theoretical Geophysics
Information about research, supercomputing, and people at the institute.
Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconducti
Graduate lecture timetable, details of research and PhD studentships, and a list of publications.
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Includes a list of upcoming seminars, details of past, current, and future programmes, and an overview of facilities.
Low Temperature Physics Group
Includes list of staff and students, together with a slide-show-style introduction to the group and its activities.
Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis
Mission statement, introduction, details of research, a summary of facilities, and a list of people working there.
Group members list, publications, details of the activities of the group's sections, and a calendar of upcoming seminars.
Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group
Details of the subgroups, including the research they carry out, the people involved, and the equipment they use.
Polymers and Colloids Group
Details of current research projects, staff pages and contact information, a table of publications, and a list of upcoming seminars.
Scott Polar Research Institute
Information about the research groups, postgraduate courses, and library. Includes a picture library database.
Sector of Theoretical Chemistry
Links to staff homepages, details of program packages developed at Cambridge, and a list of upcoming seminars.
Semiconductor Physics Group
Includes details of research interests, staff pages and contact information, a list of upcoming seminars, and a summary of job opportunities.
Theory of Condensed Matter Group
Includes a list of group members, details of research interests, preprints and reprints of publications by members, and a diary of upcoming seminars.