Centre for Applied Social Studies, University of Z
CASS focuses on the social, political, micro-economic and institutional aspects of natural resources management.
Centre for Defence Studies
Details of partners, publications and programmes.
Institute of Development Studies, University of Zi
Undertakes policy-oriented research and spearheads policy discussions and debates within the aftermath of the demise of colonialism and the attainment of independence.
Institute of Food Science, Nutrition and Family Sc
The Institute was established to provide Zimbabwe and the other countries in the SADC region with sufficient professional manpower able to perceive and analyze food and nutrition problems from the individual and family level up to the national level, ultimately aiming at the alleviation of these problems and thus contributing to the overall development.
Science Education Inservice Teacher Training in Zi
A cooperation programme between the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) and the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (VUA). Its mission is to improve the quality of science and mathematics teaching.
The Computer Centre at the University of Zimbabwe
Now the hub of all computing technologies at the University. The Campus Wide Network has been switched on and departments are connected.
Tropical Resource Ecology Program
Research and MSc program on social, political, micro-economic and institutional aspects of natural resources management.
University of Zimbabwe
Has course details, a staff and student directory, and links to internal resources.