Dictionary of Botanical Epithets
Latin plant names sorted by alphabet.
Ecclesiastical Abbreviations
Latin abbreviations commonly seen in Catholic church documents, the full Latin words or phrases, and their English meaning. Also a brief annotated bibliography.
Fries' Colours
An alphabetical list based on Wharton, H.T. (1884) On Fries' Nomenclature of Colours.
Glossary of Roman Clothing
Latin names for colors, and their English equivalents. Classical terminology used for items of clothing or types of fabric.
Glossary of Roots of Botanical Names
Meanings of over 1000 root words used in scientific names of plants.
Latin - Genealogical Word List
Words from genealogical sources: family terms, general keywords, numbers, dates and time.
Latin Ancestry Wordlist
Terms connected with family relationships, inheritance, ancenstry, and some profession names.
Orchids: English Common Names and Latin Scientific
By Sydney H. Yearron, Victoria Orchid Society, Canada.
Stirps Romana
A chart and a glossary of Latin terms used for family relationships.
Vocabula computatralia
English to Latin computer terminology.