Big Number Names
List of words used for powers of ten. For instance, novemtrigintillion=10^120. Also has metric prefixes, metric numeric symbols, and corresponding European equivalents.
Translation of mathematical terms between English and French.
Common Terms in Mathematics
A glossary compiled by Dilara and M.Tevfik Dorak.
Dictionary of Number Words
A dictionary of English words, phrases, prefixes, suffixes, and symbols that describe numbers.
Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathem
Alphabetical listing of historical terms used in mathematics with bibliography.
Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes
Cross-referenced list of common mathematical mistakes made by people in a variety of contexts.
Glossary Of Statistical Terms
Compiled by M. Tevfik Dorak.
Istilah Matematik
Translation of mathematical and computing terms between English and Bahasa Melayu.
Mathematical Latin Terms and Phrases
Latin terms commonly used in mathematics and a more extensive list of such terms and phrases that occur in other contexts.
Mathematical Programming Glossary
Terms specific to mathematical programming and related disciplines.
Translation of mathematical vocabulary between English, French and Spanish.
Orðasafn Hins Íslenska Stærðfræðifélags: English to Iceldandic mathematical dictionary.
The Computational Beauty of Nature
Concise definitions, cross referenced, for the areas of computation that examine complex systems, fractals, chaos and adaptation.
The Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms
Glossary of terms organized according to learning order for those unfamiliar with the subject, and also an alphabetical list for already familiar with statistical procedure.