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2graphic's Simple Internet Glossary
Cross referenced A-Z explanation of the common terms and acronyms used on the Internet.
AL6400.com - Internet Acronyms
A list of commonly used Internet acronyms including usage examples during conversations.
Basic Web Analytic Terminology
A review of some of the basic terminology found in most website visitor log analytics programs.
Bibiesse Club Di{git}ctionary
A large dictionary of computer terms displayed on one page.
Chat Language
Internet chat acronyms and smilies and other symbols.
Chat Room Slang Dictionary
A constantly updated list of the most popular slang terms and acronyms used in chat rooms and instant messaging.
A large list of computer abbreviations and their meanings.
E-mail and Chat (Instant Messaging) Acronyms
An extensive list of e-mail and chat / Instant Messenger (IM) acronyms.
Glossary of Common Internet Terms
Simple definitions.
Internet Glossary
A freeware project to build an independent Internet Glossary.
Information on slang, abbreviations, emoticons and catch phrases used in text messages. Features bidirectional translation between "message lingo" and standard English.
Matisse's Glossary of Internet Terms
A list of Internet-related terms and definitions.
Netlexikon.org - Internet Glossary
A glossary which offers an overview of important terms concerning the Internet and information technology.
Ollie Clark's Acronym Dictionary
A dictionary of email, news and online chat acronyms.
SciTech Solutions: Glossary of Terms
Searchable list of words and acronyms related to networking, with definitions.
Search Engine Dictionary
A comprehensive glossary of search engine terminology.
Svetlozar Online's Abbreviation Glossary
Thousands of computer, networking, and telecommunications acronyms and their meanings.
Text Messaging Terminology - Articulates.net
Acronyms used in internet chat and text messaging situations.
The Tech Word Spy
A lexicon of technical terms tending to focus on Windows and HTML technology.
Web Glossary
A glossary of Internet terms and jargon
Web Hosting Glossary
Web hosting terms with short and simple definitions.
Webmaster Glossary
Web-related terms and abbreviations with links to articles providing detailed background information.
WebmasterWorld Webmaster and Search Engine Glossar
Terms commonly used by webmasters and search engine professionals.
A concise glossary of wiki terms and practices, for the new wiki user.