Apiculture Vocabulary
Glossary of terms used in beekeeping.
Arboriculture Glossary
Index of arborculture terms collected by John Keslick.
Brewing Acronyms and Abbreviations
Terminology used in beer and brewing discussions.
Dairy Glossary
Online dairy term glossary supporting English, French and Spanish from the Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development.
Dairy Terms
Small glossary of terms used in dairy science.
Dairy Terms
Glossary of dairy terms with small bibliography.
Emily Compost Garden Glossary
Informal glossary of gardening terms.
Glossary of Agriculture Terms
Collection of terms maintained by the Agricultural Committee of the United States House of Representatives.
Glossary of Rice Terminology
General glossary of terminology used in rice production and rice research.
Grain and Futures Markets Glossary
Agribusiness marketing and trading terms and definitions.
Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals Terminology
Terminology endorsed by the Forage and Grazing Terminology Committee of the XVII International Grasslands Council.
Suburban Lawn-Glossary of Plant Care Terms
Brief list of common landscaping terms.
Swine Production Glossary
Glossary of terminology used in swine production from the University of Pennsylvania.
Urban Forestry
Collection of forestry and general botanical terminology.