AIIM International
An international organization, helping the information management community, including users, vendors and solution providers, to solve problems, present ideas, provide solutions and establish relationships.
ARMA Chicago
Includes information regarding meetings, education, membership, committees and links.
Aslib, The Association for Information Management
A UK organisation whose services include consultancy, training and recruitment. Aslib also publish the Records Management Journal.
Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record
Includes membership contacts, programs, newsletter, meeting agendas, and publications.
Association of Records Managers and Administrators
Organization of information management professionals. Includes information about the association and professional resources.
Association of Records Managers and Administrators
A records and information management industry group devoted to professional development and the advancement of the field. Provides meeting information, calendar of events, and employment opportunities.
Atlanta Chapter of ARMA
Includes general information, job postings, meetings, leadership, committees, newsletter and links.
CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Informat
Professional body formed following the unification of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and the Library Association (LA). Includes membership and employment details.
Directory of Archival Organizations
Lists regional, state and local associations in the U.S.
Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the
Provides for dissemination and exchange of ideas about the archival developments in the ESARBICA region.
International Records Management Trust
A non-profit organisation developing new approaches to the problems of managing public sector records in developing countries. Includes information on its educational, research and country project work.
Nuclear Information & Records Management Assoc
Assists the nuclear energy and utilities industry with electronic record and information management.
Records Management Association of Australia
Aims to enable records management professionals to develop and utilise their skills. Mission, services, board members, branches, awards, events.
Records Management Society of Great Britain
Includes information about the society, journals, events and conferences.
Society of Mississippi Archivists
Charged with the important work of preserving and educating others on the cultural heritage of Mississippi. Aims, news and publications.
The Society of American Archivists
A professional organization dedicated to ensuring the identification, preservation, and use of records of historical value.