english deutsch
Around Vancouver Island
A story about circumnavigating Vancouver Island in the S.V. Patience in 1995/96. Includes a route map.
Bowron Lake Provincial Park
A 1996 canoe trip in Bowron Lake Provincial Park. The seven-day circle route covered several lakes in the park.
Bowron Lakes Scrapbook
11 friends paddle around 11 lakes (Bowron Provincial Park) in 7 seven days. Photos of the paddlers and a photo gallery are included.
Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time
John Harvey spends two weeks mothership kayaking on the Mid Coast. Includes a route map and photos.
Nootka Island Trail
History of the area, information about the hikers and a journal of the five day trek over roughly 35km.
Spatsizi Trip Report
In August 1998, 9 fishermen began a canoe trip down the Spatsizi River in Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Provincial Park. For 9 days they canoed and fished though beautiful canyons.
The West Coast Trail, one week in the life
Photos and journal from a hike on the West Coast Trail in 1995. Includes links to more information about the trail.
TRACKS! - Kelly Koome's tales from the trail
Articles, poetry, slide shows and detailed trip reports of biking across British Columbia.
West Coast Trail
Martin Ritter and Lorenz Müller's hike the West Coast Trail in six days. Links and photos are included.