english deutsch
Photographs of flatdoug and his clones visiting Germany, Ireland, and the United States.
Jessse Travels
A worldwide travel image gallery from a famous inflatable celebrity named Jessse.
Maid Appleton
Worldwide travels from Maid Appleton, a juice box.
Manpower Photo Series
Photographs from Europe and elsewhere with two human bodies in profile - the Vitruvian Man.
Nigel The Gnome
Photographs of Nigel's travels through the United States and Europe.
Nodding dogs
Offers pictures with nodding dogs taken around the world. Visitors can submit their own pictures.
Tacky Tourist Photo Album
Photographs from vacations posing with and around tacky tourist objects.
The World Tours of Bud
Photographs from Africa, Europe, and North America with Bud, the mannequin.
Travelling gnomes
Offers travel images of a garden dwarf in de USA, and above and under water at the Cayman Islands.