Duke's Copenhagen Page
A fan page dedicated to Copenhagen snuff.
Information and links related to dry snuff, a.k.a. nasal snuff.
Sheffield Exchange
A general introduction to traditional English snuff.
Snuff Box - The Nasal Snuff Club
The only club on the Web devoted to nasal snuff. A Yahoo! group
Snuff in the Senate
A c-span article about snuff in the US Senate.
Snuff Taking
Snuffs and Snufftaking: what snuff is, varieites of snuff, where to get snuff, snuffboxes
Swedish Snus
Specific information about the unique Swedish Smokeless Tobacco Snuff - which is called "Snus".
The Roosterboyz Web Site
A fan site for chewing tobacco.
The Snuff Alliance
An international group dedicate towards the ever growing population of people who chew snuff all over the world.