Danish Woodbadge Training
Program information and application for international program offered in English.
First Woodbadge Course, 1919
Photo and description of participants.
Symbols of Woodbadge
Wood Badge training gilwell neckerchief, beads, and log.
The Wood Badge
An outline of the history, traditions, program objectives and purpose of scouting leadership training.
The Wood Badge Patrol Name Encyclopaedia
Patrol names used in Woodbadge training courses in various counties.
What is the Wood Badge
Overview of the Woodbadge and information concerning both scout and cub scout leadership training programs.
Wood Badge on the Web
Index of woodbadge course availability and links to woodbadge resources.
Wood Badge resource locator
Information on where and how to obtain resources for Woodbadge courses.
Wood Badge, advanced training
Resource site for Wood Badge advanced training available to Boy Scout Leaders, BSA oriented site.
Woodbadge basics
Eleven (11) Wood Badge skills that every scouter should try to learn.