Adult Guiding and Girl Scouters
Girl Scout/Guide Leaders Forum, Girl Scouts Volunteer Training, Hidden Valley Girl Scout Camp Staff Pages
Aids to Scoutmastership
Aids to Scoutmastership, Aids to Scoutmastership, Aids to Scoutmastership, Aids to Scoutmastership
Danish Woodbadge Training, First Woodbadge Course, 1919, Symbols of Woodbadge, The Wood Badge, The Wood Badge Patrol Name Encyclopaedia, What is the Wood Badge, Wood Badge on the Web, Wood Badge resource locator, Wood Badge, advanced training, Woodbadge basics
Campbell's Woods Junior Leader Training Confe
Information and registration for the Lincoln Heritage Council's week long training program.
High Adventure Team, Ventura County Council BSA
Training, resources and links for youth leadership challenges.
Leader Lore Newsletter
Reviews the 11 skills of leadership taught at BSA Wood Badge courses and provide aids to help Scouters remember, apply, and teach them.
Lord Baden-Powell University of Scouting
Courses, curriculum, and information about advanced Scouter training.
Top Gun's Junior Leader Training Conference
Offers week long course providing training, troop resources, scoutcraft skills, council resources, schedule and dates, history of the program, and contacts.
University of Scouting of the Greater Pittsburgh C
Includes course list, schedule, and registration information.
White Stag Leadership Development and Junior Leade
Information for young people on leadership skills, the Patrol System, and ceremonies.