A geologist talks to Webelos
Program activity for geological career.
Academic and Sports Program Awards
Complete guide to the requirements for earning pins and belt loops, updated for the 2002 requirements.
Belt Loop Guide
Guide to the optional Sports and Academic belt loop and pin program, including requirement checklists.
Cub Scout Roundtable
Extensive resources, program ideas, themes and links for the cub program, BSA oriented.
Cub Scouts- New Zealand
National program resource center information for the Cub program level.
Harford Area Webelos Activity Guide
Comprehensive guide for Webelos (Cub Scout) leaders in the Harford County, MD-area, featuring leader-recommended outings for earning activity badges.
Outdoor Activity Award
Offers information, including all requirements, for a new national council outdoor recognition award.
Pow Wow Online
Contains a wide range of resources for leaders to use in their den and pack meetings.
Rank Award and Uniform Guide
Interactive guide with pictures, descriptions and uniform placement illustrations for each of the rank awards for this program level.
Resources For Scout Leaders
Program resources for leaders and parents, including songs, ceremonies, games stories, clipart and leader tools.
Cub Scout interest activity and collecting badge resources.
Schooling and Scouts
Website for homeschoolers involved in Cub Scouts. With curriculum suggestions related to scout badges.
Sunset Trail Cub Scout Rountable
Program aid to leaders and parents for their pack and den programs.
Ted E. Bear's Travels
A virtual journey of discovery for youth by following the globe trotting adventures of this Teddy.
The Ceremony Table
Collection of advancement and recognition ceremonies suitable for honoring youth.
The Virtual Cub Leader's Handbook
A vast library of Cub Scouting Program resources for Cub Scout Leaders and parents of Cubs and/or Cub-aged boys.
Webelos Scouting Program
Unofficial resource for activity badges, camping activities and leader training information.