english deutsch
Boy Scout Song, The Scout March
Badge Program
Boy Scouts of America, Girl Guides of Canada, Girl Scouts of the USA, Scout Association UK, Scouts Australia, Scouts Canada, For Kids Naturely, Stamp Collecting
A Beginner's Book of Carving Neckerchief Slid, A Few Scouting Books, Books By Mail, Canadian Sea Scout Manual, Honor Publishing Company, Lone Scout Friend and Counselor Guidebook, Scout Books, Scout Camps USA, Scouting Games, The Boy Scouts in Mexico or On Guard with Uncle Sa
A Scout Song Book, Ashes Ceremony, Becky's Campfire Songbook, Boy Scout Song Book, Campfire stories-tips, stories, ideas and books., Clare's Cub Scout Songs, Creative Campfires, Flying Pigs Campfore Songbook, Julian's Campfire Song Page, Scouting Stories
Clip Art
Canadian Girl Guide Clip Art, Cub Scout Clip Art, Girl Scout Clip Art, Guiding Clip Art, Scout Image, Scouting Clipart
Cub Program
A geologist talks to Webelos, Academic and Sports Program Awards, Belt Loop Guide, Cub Scout Roundtable, Cub Scouts- New Zealand, Harford Area Webelos Activity Guide, Outdoor Activity Award, Pow Wow Online, Rank Award and Uniform Guide, Resources For Scout Leaders
Scouting Dictionary, The Greek Scouting Dictionary, The Scouting Dictionary
A Poor Person's Guide to Fund Raising, ABC Girl Scout Cookie Bakers, Fundraising Ideas, Fundraising Ideas and Products Center, FundRaising.Com Scout Secrets, Ink Jet Cartridge Recycling Program to support Boy, Little Brownie Bakers, Nuts for Scouts, Scout Community Badge - Recycling Appeal, Scouts Canada Popcorn
Girl Scouts and Guides
Ceremonies, Radio and GOTA, Thinking Day, A Guide to Thinking Day, Adults in Scouting, Becky's Guiding Resource Centre, CC Guiders, Cyber Cookbook, Family relationships and values activities for Gir, Girl Scout Cookie Sale Songbook, Girl Scout Crafts, Girl Scout Outdoor Program, Girl Scout Songs
Barry's Scouting Page, Boy Scout Humor, Girl Scout Humor, Girl Scout Terms, Scouting Humor, Sixteen Steps To Build A Campfire
Leadership Development
Adult Guiding and Girl Scouters, Aids to Scoutmastership, Woodbadge, Campbell's Woods Junior Leader Training Confe, High Adventure Team, Ventura County Council BSA, Leader Lore Newsletter, Lord Baden-Powell University of Scouting, Top Gun's Junior Leader Training Conference, University of Scouting of the Greater Pittsburgh C, White Stag Leadership Development and Junior Leade
American Scouting Digest, Boy Scouts, Boys' Life, BP Spirit, Canadian Guider, Cape Western Scouter, E-Vent, Girl Guides of Canada National News, Journal of the American Scouting Historical Societ, Pinewood Derby Times
Pinewood Derby
Car Building Supplies, Race Management Equipment and Software, Raingutter and Sailboat Regatta, Derby Talk, GrandPrix Race Central, Pack 146 Pinewood Derby, Pinewood Derby For Beginners, Pinewood Derby Car Building Tips, Pinewood Derby Webring, Pope's Pinewood Pages Portal, Shape N Race Derby, The Best Grand Prix Pinewood Derby, The Ol' Buffalo Pine Car Page
Radio and JOTA
Stations, Amateur Radio in Scouting, Habo Scout Group - Jamboree On The Air, Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), Jamboree on the Air / Internet in the United Kingd, Radio Scouting - UK, Scout Radio Activities Group - JOTA, Scout Radio and Electronics Service Unit, Scouting Nederland Radio and Internet Jamborees, Scoutradio Group, The Communication Initiative Africa
Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Australian Joey Scouts
Religion and Spirituality
Camping Rabbi, Chaplain Aide, God and Country Awards Program and Medals, Lines to Live By..., Lutheran God and Country Awards Program and Medals, Ministry of Scouting - NAUMS, Order Of The Black Arrow, Philmont Hymn, Scout Chaplain, Scout's Own Poems
Ropecraft, Staves, Andy's Knife and Steel Site, Camp Table and Patrol Box, How To Use a Compass, Klondike Sled Plans, Patrol Chuck Box, Quinzhee Construction, Scout Orienteering, Scout-It-Out
Social Issues
Boy Scouts Legal Issues, Boy Scouts of America Facts, Discrimination in Girl Scouts: Marika's Story, Discrimination in the Boy Scouts of America, Durban, South Africa scout project., False Scouting Allegations, Gay and Lesbian Scouts Received With Open Arms in , Gifts for Peace, Good Turn for America, Grassfire - Scout Petition
Blue Sky Adventures, CN Tower, the World's Tallest Building, Gunflint Northwoods Outfitters, International Travel planning, Mt Baden-Powell, California, North Country Canoe Outfitters, BWCA, Ely Minnesot, Reception Team Malmöhus, River Point Outfitting, Sailing Ship Sir Robert, Savannah, Georgia Vistior Information
Web Services
Awards, BSA Troop Home Pages, Business Services Associates, Escouts, Graphmaster, PacksOnline, Scout Domain Name Services, Scout Hosting - Web Hosting for Scout Units, Scout Internet Hosting, Scout Tracks Troop Management and Communications, Scout Web Services
Woggles and Slides
J. Lance Wilkinson's Neckerchief Slides, Neckerchief Slide, The Slide Show, Turk's Head Knot, Turkshead Knot, Woggle World
Allexperts Scouting Q&A
Scoutmasters and other experts answer questions about Scouting.
Ask-A-Scout(er) Page
Various topics including: camp menus, how to choose a summer camp, the Firestarter FAQ, making rope, backwoods ovens, and keeping raccoons out of tents.
Camping and Outdoors Resources
General scouting resources guide.
Canadian Sea Scouts Home Port
Information about Sea Scouting in Canada, resources, and the World Sea Scout Directory.
Books and speeches by BP, MIDI and RealAudio campfire songs, badge gallery, scouting links, and resources.
Do A Good Turn Daily
Includes hiking the Washington Trail, Defense of the BSA, Notable and Famous Eagle Scouts, and links. US-oriented.
Event Planning For Dummies
Aids those planning camps and other Scouting events.
Exciting Scout Crafts
A large collection of craft ideas and instrucitions for items related to the scouting program for all ages.
Gaelic Wolf Scouting Pages
Topics include: Cell phones in the woods, ADD, hypothermia, dealing with death, first aid, game, and activities.
Contains information abuout training, woodbadge courses, mailing lists, collectibles, and scouting links.
Glenn's Scouting Page
Includes pioneering, knots, dried foods, and equipment selection.
Green Bar
Presents philosophical and practical information about Scouting leadership.
Gregg Sablic's World of Scouting
History and other information on national Scout associations.
Henning's Scouting Pages
Includes facts and history, ideas for Eagle ceremonies, Rockwell and Csatari images, and information for making patrol sleds, tables, and kitchen boxes.
Malaysian Evergreen Scout's Campfire Songs
Scout songs in Malaysian and English languages.
Mark Ritter's Sea Scouting
A resource for program ideas, information, newsletter, and navigation instruction.
Mortons's Scouting Resources
Includes camp programs; campfire songs, skits and yells, campfire cooking; games; hints and tips.
Ol' Buffalo Scouting Page
Broad range of Scouting resources. Home of the Ol' Buffalo Camp Cookbook.
On My Honor Leader Resources
S'more recipes and certificates.
Pine Tree Web
Scouting history, traditions, Scouting in Eastern Europe, Baden-Powell photos, and general scouting resources.
Resources For Scouting
Includes material for activities, training, scouts own, leadership and use of the internet.
Official Journal of the Rover Scouts Association. Current issue of the journal.
Scout Campfire
Campfire ideas, badges, scouting photos, campfire songs, scouting music, scouting chat and forum, and Jamboree on the Internet information.
Scout Chess
Scout chess program open to members of the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of the USA. Internet-based program has chess masters teaching scouts how to have a great time with chess.
Topics include: Klondike Derby, Scouting issues, spirituality, ceremonies, kit lists, Venturer and Rover bylaws.
Scouting Bear's Cave
Contains a wide range of resources and program ideas.
Scouting File Cabinet
Contains a wide range of tips, program ideas, ceremonies, parent guides, activities, songs, humor, and resources.
Scouting the Web
Directory of Scouting sites and resources plus downloads including, popcorn tracker, animated unit number counter, scouting icons and, e-mail masking.
A resource handbook for Scout and other Youth Leaders by Tom Vella-Zarb. Wide range of information.
Scouts Helping Scouts
UNIX Youth Mentor program through Scouting's Venturing Crew Program, providing a wide range of program resources and information.
Resources for Scout leaders.
The Games Compendium
Games for Scouts and Guides. Includes wide games, relay races, memory games, paper games, and water games.
The Inquiry Net
A collection of traditional games and pastimes for boys created by scouter Rick Seymour.
The MacScouter
Clipart, cooking, skits, songs, stories, and games.
The Scouter's Online Library
Clipart, software, and file library.
The Scouting Pages
Includes history and background of Scouting, virtual campfire blanket, links, rings, campfire stories, and games.
The World of Scouting
Contains history and status of scouting in each country, news, events, directory of national web sites, and links.
Traditional Scouting Resource Centre
Games, patrol system, Patrol Leader and Sixer duties, Jungle dances. Oriented towards Traditional Scouting programs.
Winter Camp Universe
Activity and meal ideas for winter camping.
Working With Scouts With disAbilities
Program information, events, activities, contacts, resource material, and links.
World Scout Resource Centre
WOSM World Scout Bureau publications.
World Scouting
U.S. Scouting Service Project international resources.
World Wide Scouting Penpals
List of penpal contacts for leaders and youth.