GTRSI - Greater Toronto Region Scouting Informatio
A varied collection of information oriented towards GTR Scouters. Most original content is on the resources page.
Live To Camp - Camp To Live
Ontario Rover event calendars, "Event Planning for Dummies".
NW Scouters' Club
Troop-level Scouters gathers to share ideas and experience, plan joint activities, and pursue other projects of mutual benefit. Centred in Waterloo Region, Ontario.
On Rappel!
Rappelling program offered to Scouts and Venturers in Scouts Canada, Central Escarpment Council.
Voyageur Region Rover Round Table
Newsletters, events, minutes, and resources.
Voyageur Region Venturer Advisors' Forum
Reports of past events, calendar of upcoming events, minutes and agendas for meetings. Scouts Canada.