official page. Member of the World Federation of Independent Scout Organizations.
Boy Scout Troop 193 - Naples Italy
Includes BSA program information, location, contacts, and links.
Cub Scout Pack 007 - Naples Italy
Transatlantic Council Mediterranean District. Includes contact information.
Federation of European Scouts - Italy
official site of FSE-ITALIA, Italian Association of Catholic Guides and Scouts of Europe.
Federscout - Italy
Official page of the Federazione scautistica italiana - a member of the Confederation of European Scouting (C.E.S.)
Italian Catholic Scout and Guide Association - AGE
official site and general information about L'Associazione Guide e Scout Cattolici Italiani, WAGGGS & WOSM member association. (IT, FR, EN)
Italian Scout Federation
Bi-lingual page with information about the on Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo (FIS)
National Corps of Boy and Girl Scouts of Italy - C
Official site of National Scouting Organization for girl and boy scouts - Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori ed Esploratrici italiani.