Girl Scout Council - Limberlost
Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Serving girls in 6 counties. Featuring information on fund raising, cookie program, membership, resources, and links.
Girl Scout Council - Shagbark
Serving Southern Illinois and Knox County, Indiana.
Girl Scout Council - Sycamore
Serves Benton, Clinton, Fountain, Jasper, Montgomery, Newton, Tippecanoe, Warren, and White Counties in the area of Lafayette, Indiana.
Girl Scout Council - Treaty Line
Richmond, Fayette, Rush, Franklin, Union, Preble, and Wayne counties. Contains program information, event calendar, resources, and contacts.
Girl Scout Council - Tribal Trails
North Central Indiana. Contains program information, leader page, cookie sales, and contact.
Girl ScoutCouncil - Tulip Trace
South Central Indiana. Special announcements, volunteer resources, and contacts.
Girl Scouts Council - Hoosier Capital
Indianapolis area. Contains history, camp information, training, and contacts.
Girls Scout Council - Calumet
Includes location, programs, and staff contacts.