Ship 1 - Spirit of Gilwell, Ship 13 - Reliance, Ship 132 - Orion, Ship 14 - Challenger, Ship 30 - Neptune, Ship 33 - Albatross, Ship 33 - Gryphon, Ship 51 - Intrepid, Ship 564 - Conquest, Ship 669 - Steeves
Atlanta Area Council Sea Scouts, Cardinal Wardroom, Cascade Pacific Council - Sea Scouts Venturing, Central Region (3) - Sea Scouts Flotilla, Chesapeake Flotilla, Liberty Wardroom, Northeast Region - Sea Scouts Flotilla, Sinnissippi Council Sea Scout Squadron, Western Los Angeles County Council Sea Scouting, Western Region - Sea Scouts
Ship 4075 - Nesika Tahmahnawis, Ship 6 - Kelcema, Ship 62 - Propeller, Ship 97 - Yankee Clipper
National Quartermaster Association
Sea Scout Quartermasters, United States, includes registration information, contact information, forms, calendar of events, general information, photos, and links.
Sea Scouts - BSA
Program information, events, history, contacts and index of Boy Scouts of America sea scout ships.