Central Region
Awase Lodge #61, Blue Ox #26, Cho-Gun-Mun-A-Nock #467, Golden Sun #492, Lowaneu Allanque #41, MaKaJaWan #40, Manitous #88, Michigamea Lodge 110, Mischigonong #89, Mitigwa #450
Northeast Region
Ajapeu #33, Aquehongian #112, Black Eagle #482, Enda Lechauhanne #57, Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165, Hunnikick 76, Kittatinny #5, Langundowi #46, Lenapehoking #9, Na Tsi Hi Lodge #71 Ceremonies Team
Southern Region
Catawba #459, Croatan #117, Egwa Tawa Dee #129, Immokalee #353, Klahican #331, MaNu # 133, Muscogee #221, Otena #295, Quelqueshoe #166, Sequoyah # 184
Western Region
Amangi Nacha #47, Cahuilla #127, Crazy Horse #171, Miwok #439, Navajo Lodge #98, Nebagamon #312, Nebagamon 312, Ta Tanka #488, Tiwahe Lodge 45, Tu-Cubin-Noonie #508
Achewon Nimat #282
News publication of events and messages from the leadership.
Agaming #257
Supported by the Indianhead Council in service to its 4 council camps.
Aracoma #481
Contains information on officers, committees, calendar and news. Serving the Black Warrior Council
Arrowhead # 60
Operated by the Alamo Area Council in support of Bear Creek Scout Reservation and McGimsey Scout Park.
Awaxaawe' Awachia #535
Sponsored by the Trapper Trails Council in service to seven council camps.
Catawba 459
Located in Mecklenburg County Council. Offers lodge history, events, general information and a discussion forum.
Chi Hoota Wei #617
Serving the Buckskin council and the Buckskin Scout Reservation.
Chicksa #202
Operated by the Yocona Area Council in support of Camp Yocona.
Echockotee #200
Includes program resources, chapter links, news, leadership information and store.
Esselen #531
Serving the Monterey Bay Area Council. Includes calendar and newsletter.
Eswau Huppeday #560
Supported by the Piedmont Council. Includes news, patches, officer information, links, and member information.
Grand Monadnock #309
Supported by the Nashua Valley Council. Includes history, where to go camping guide, leadership and committee/team information.
Ha-Kin-Skay-A-Ki #387
Supported by the Pikes Peak Council in service to Camp Alexander. Includes calendar and forms.
Hi' Lo Ha Chy' A-La #413
Supported by the Eastern Arkansas Area Council in service to Camp Cedar Valley.
Illini #55
Sponsored by the Prairielands Council in support of Camp Robert Drake.
Ka'niss Ma'ingan #196
Operated by the Voyageurs Area Council in service to Camp Horace Johnson.
Kickapoo #128
Supported by the Wabash Valley Council. Includes history and patch information.
Kidi Kidish #434
In support of the Coronado Area Council. Offers leadership, history, flaps and event information.
Kishkakon #32
Supported by the Trails West Council. Includes history, pictures, LEC minutes, and a Chief's message.
Kit-Ke-Hak-O-Kut #97
Supported by the Mid-America Council. Includes ceremony team tips, history, awards, and contact information.
Kola #464
Operated by the Longs Peak Council to serve the five council-owned camps.
Kuskitannee #168
Supported by the Moraine Trails Council. Includes history, officers, bylaws, and awards.
Lakota #175
Supported by the Northwest Suburban Council. Includes news, officer information, and photo gallery.
Mandan #372
Serves 19 counties in southwest Kansas via the Santa Fe Trail Council.
Miami #495
Supported by the Miami Valley Council. Includes patches, history, image gallery, and roster.
Mikanakawa #101
Supported by the Circle Ten Council. Includes news, history, forms, and officer information.
Nawakwa #3 - Ceremonial Team
Team information, ceremonies resources, and links to other ceremonial resources on the web.
Nendawen #618
Operated by the Allohak Council in support of Camp Kootaga.
Orca #194
Contains information about the OA, Lodge calendar newsletter with archive, and contacts.
Otahnagon #172
Serving the Baden-Powell Council. Includes news, publications, history and directory.
Ouxouiga #264
Operated by the Attakapas Council in service to Camp Attakapas.
Pamola #211
Supported by the Katahdin Area Council. Includes history, awards, news, and contact information.
Santee #116
Supported by the Pee Dee Area Council. Includes history, camping guide, and council camp information.
Seminole #85
In support of the Gulf Ridge Council. Includes history, forms and general information.
Shunkah Mahneetu #407
Supported by the Grand Teton Council. Includes patches and principals.
Skyuka #270
Includes history, events calendar, organization, and camping guide
Tah-Heetch #195
In support of the Sequoia Council. Offers lodge news along with events and general information.
Talako #533
Supported by the Marin Council. Includes upcoming events, history, and a calendar.
Talligewi #62
Operated by the Lincoln Heritage Council #205 in support of Camp Crooked Creek.
Tamegonit #147
In support of the Heart of America Council. Offers history, calendar, and leadership information.
Tecumseh #65
Sponsered by the Simon Kenton Council to serve the council's five camps. Offers forms, FAQs, history, and leadership information
Tetonwana #105
Operated by the Sioux Council in service to Louis and Clark Scout Camp.
Ti'ak #404
Sponsored by the Pine Burr Area Council in support of Camp Ti'ak.
Tindeuchen #522
Supported by the Toledo Area Council #460. Includes organization, history, constitution, news, projects and library.
Toloma #64
Affiliated with the Greater Yosemite Council. Includes history, officers, patches, announcements, and resource information.
Tom Kita Chara #96
In support of the Samoset Council. Includes news, events, calendar, chapter and committee information.
Tomo Chi-Chi #119
Supported by the Coastal Empire Council.
Tonkawa #99
Supported by the Capitol Area Council. Includes history, awards, and committee information.
Tutelo #161
Sponsored by the Blue Ridge Mountain Council to serve the Blue Ridge Scout Reservation.
Ut-In-Sélica #58
Supported by the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council. Includes chapters, teams, history, and calendar.
Wag-O-Shag #280
Serving the Potowatomi Area Council. News, calendar, officers, and archives are available.
Wah-Sha-She #42
Official site: photos, officers, camping info, leadership courses, and contacts.
Wahissa #118
Official site provides calendar, information for members, camp link, and contacts.
Wahpekute #53
Supported by the Twin Valley Council in service to Cuyuna Scout Camp.
Washita #288
Supported by the Cherokee Area Council. Includes history, and newsletter.
Watanala #169
Sponsored by the Pushmataha Council.
White Horse #201
Operated by the Shawnee Trails Council in support of Camps Roy C. Manchester, Wildcat Hollow (a part of the Badgett Scout Reservation), and Guenthur Hogg.
Wichita #35
Serving the Northwest Texas Council since 1928. Provides news, history, publications and contact information.