Alabama-Florida Council
Serving southeast Alabama and northern Florida, with headquarters in Dothan, Alabama. Includes calendar, camp, maps, on-line forms, and training information.
Alamo Area Council
Serving a 13 county area in South Texas based in San Antonio. Includes calendar, directory, camps, FAQs, training and contact information, maps, and on-line forms.
Arbuckle Area Council
Based in Ardmore, Oklahoma to serve 9 counties. District pages, council history & maps are available.
Atlanta Area Council
Serving the Atlanta Georgia Area. Includes calendar, camps, directory, maps, training and contact information, and on-line forms.
Bay Area Council
Based in Galveston, serving the Texas Gulf area. Includes advancement, training, forms, news, camping, and activity information.
Black Warrior Council
Serving West Alabama Counties of Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Fayette, Pickens, Lamar, Walker, Winston, Marion, Marengo, Sumter, Hale, Greene, and the City of Moundville. Based in Tuscaloosa.
Blue Ridge Council
Based in Greenville, South Carolina to provide programs to youth in the Upstate of South Carolina. Offers a variety of resources for training, camping, service, units, and activities.
Blue Ridge Mountains Council
Serving central and southern Virginia with headquarters in Roanoke. Includes calendar, maps, training and contact information, camps, and on-line forms.
Bluegrass Council
Based in Lexington, Kentucky to serve Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Kentucky. Home of Camp McKee. Includes newsletter, calendar, and leadership information.
Buffalo Trail Council
Offices are located in Midland and Odessa, Texas. Includes information on Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch, newsletter, and contact information.
Caddo Area Council
Serving Texarkana area of Texas and Arkansas. Includes information on organizational history, current events and programs.
Cape Fear Council
Includes map, news, training and camping information, and professional contacts. Service area includes southern North Carolina, with headquarters in Wilmington.
Capitol Area Council
Contains information on program delivery for the greater Austin, Texas area. Includes calendar, camp, directory, newsletter, on-line forms, and training information.
Central Florida Council
Serving the youth of Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia Counties, with headquarters in Apopka. Includes calendar, camps, directory, newsletter, and district and training information.
Central Georgia Council
Provides opportunities to youth and leaders through its Macon based service center. Includes information on council contacts, districts, training, camping, and programs.
Chattahoochee Council
Service area includes 15 counties in Eastern Alabama and Western Georgia. Provides calendar, newsletter, directories, information on camps, districts, and training.
Cherokee Area Council (Oklahoma)
Headquartered in Bartlesville, serving northeast Oklahoma. Includes calendar, camps, district and contact information, and on-line forms.
Cherokee Area Council (Tennessee - Georgia)
Serves southeastern Tennessee and northern Georgia, with headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Offers a newsletter, information on activities, forms, staff, and training.
Chickasaw Council
Serving parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Headquarters in Memphis, TN. Offers district links, training, and program information.
Choctaw Area Council
Serving youth in the east Mississippi and west Alabama area (headquarters in Meridian, Mississippi). Includes information on Camp Binachi, events, and contact information.
Cimarron Council
Based in Enid, Oklahoma. Offers a map, camping guide, program and contact information.
Circle Ten Council
Based in Dallas, Texas. Includes camps, calendar, newsletter, training, district, and contact information.
Coastal Carolina Council
Headquartered in Charleston, SC. Includes information on districts, camps, current events and news.
Coastal Empire Council
Based in Savannah, Georgia. Includes camping, program, activity and contact information.
Colonial Virginia Council
Serving southeast Virginia with headquarters in Newport New. Offers calendar, newsletter, camping, and contact information.
Concho Valley Council
Headquartered in San Angelo, serving southwest Texas. Includes resource information for camping and trails, forms, history, newsletter, and calendar.
Daniel Boone Council
Service area is western North Carolina; based in Asheville, North Carolina. Offers camping, contact, and activity information.
East Carolina Council
Based in Kinston,with a service area of eastern portion of North Carolina. Includes calendar, online forms and information about districts, training, and contacts.
East Texas Area Council
Based in Tyler and serving youth in east Texas. Includes information on George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation, districts, calendar, and contact information.
Eastern Arkansas Area
Unofficial site. Offers history on the former Eastern Arkansas Area Council.
Evangeline Area Council
Based in Lafayette, Evangeline and these parishes: Acadia, Iberia, Lafaqyette, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Landry and Vermilion. Offers a calendar, contact list, and information on local training, camping, and program opportunities.
Flint River Council
Serving youth in central Georgia, headquartered in Griffen. Includes calendar, camps, directory, and district and contact information.
Georgia-Carolina Council
Serving the central Savannah River area of Georgia & South Carolina, with headquarters in Augusta, Georgia. Includes district information, camping activities, directory, calendar, and newsletter.
Golden Spread Council, The
Serving the 27 county region of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles with headquarters in Amarillo, Texas. Includes camping, ceremonial information, leadership and district news.
Great Smoky Mountain Council
Serving 21 East Tennessee Counties from its headquarters in Knoxville, TN. Information provided on programs, camps, training, calendar and a newsletter.
Greater Alabama Council
Serving 22 counties in northern Alabama, with service centers in Birmingham, Huntsville, and Anniston. Includes camps, newsletter, calendar, and on-line forms.
Gulf Coast Council
Contains information on training, camping, news, administration and organization; galleries, maps, forms and calendar.
Gulf Ridge Council
Serving the youth of the West Central Florida Area. Includes events, training, contact, and general information.
Gulf Stream Council
Serving seven counties in southeast Florida. Includes camps, events, and district and contact information.
Heart of Virginia Council
Serving central Virginia with headquarters in Richmond. Includes camps, events, program information, and district and unit contacts.
Indian Nations Council
Serving youth in eastern and southeastern Oklahoma from its headquarters in Tulsa. Includes camps, calendar, training, and contact information.
Istrouma Area Council
Serving 30,000 youth in south central Louisiana with headquarters in Baton Rouge. Includes calendar, directory, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.
Last Frontier Council
Provides resources and program delivery to youth in central, western, and southwestern Oklahoma. Includes information on camps, districts, forms, events, programs, commissioner service, unit links, calendars and other resources.
Lincoln Heritage Council
Formed in 1993 and now serving over 41,000 people in more than 950 units across Central Kentucky & Southern Indiana, including the Louisville area.
Longhorn Council
Announcements, training, camps, calendar, newsletters, maps, district, and contact information. Service area includes north and central Texas, with headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.
Louisiana Purchase Council
Formed in 2004 and comprised of the former Ouachita Valley and Attakapas councils. Serving youth in twenty parishes throughout northeast and central Louisiana.
Mecklenburg County Council
Serving the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Includes camps, training, newsletter, calendar, and contacts.
Middle Tennessee Council
Serving youth in Central Tennessee from its headquarters in Nashville,Tennessee. Includes camps, calendar, contact information, and on-line forms.
Mobile Area Council
Headquartered in Mobile, Alabama. Includes calendars, newsletters, electronic forms, and district information.
NeTseO Trails Council
Service area includes northwest Texas and southeast Oklahoma, with headquarters in Paris, Texas. Includes calendar and events, and contact information.
North Florida Council
Located in Jacksonville, Florida. Includes upcoming council events, online registration and forms, and links to all districts.
Northeast Georgia Council
Located in Pendergrass, Georgia. Includes calendar, camps, FAQs, district and contact information, and on-line forms.
Northwest Georgia Council
Serving the seven counties in the northwest corner of Georgia with headquarters in Rome. Includes calendar, camps, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.
Norwela Council
Based in Shreveport, with a service area of northwest Louisiana. Includes calendar, Camp Garland, maps, and district and contact information.
Occoneechee Council
Based in Raleigh, serving youth in Wake, Durham, and Orange counties, North Carolina. Includes calendar, camps, maps, district and contact information, and on-line forms.
Old Hickory Council
Headquartered in Winston-Salem, serving seven counties in northwestern North Carolina. Includes program, news, resource, event, training, camping, and contact information.
Old North State Council
With headquarters in Greensboro, serving youth in north central North Carolina. Includes calendar, camps, directory, district and training information, and on-line forms.
Palmetto Area Council
Based in Spartanburg, South Carolina and serving youth in northern region of the state. Includes calendar, contact list, online forms and information on programs, districts and training.
Pee Dee Area Council
Unofficial site. Serving youth in eastern South Carolina. Includes information on program history and on area camps.
Pine Burr Area Council
Serving youth in southern Mississippi from the headquarters in Hattiesburg. Official site includes a calendar and information on districts, training, camps, and contacts.
Pushmataha Area Council
Serving 10 eastern Mississippi counties with headquarters in Columbus. Includes camps and contact information.
Quapaw Area Council
Serves the central and northeast Arkansas Area. Includes calendars, camps, training, directories, maps, and online forms.
Sam Houston Area Council
Headquartered in Richmond Texas, the council serves 160,000 youth, representing 16 counties in southeast Texas. Includes , calendar & events, district, training, and contact information, and newsletter.
Sequoyah Council
Serves youth in northeast Tennessee and southwest Virginia, with headquarters in Johnson City, Tennessee. Includes information on Camp Davy Crockett, training, newsletter, districts and contact information.
Shawnee Trails Council
Serving youth in western Kentucky, southern Illinois, and northwestern Tennessee with headquarters in Owensboro, Kentucky. Includes calendar, camps, maps, events, and contact information.
South Florida Council
Headquartered in Miami Lakes, serving southern Florida. Includes calendar, camp, district, and resource information.
South Plains Council
Based in Lubbock, serving youth in northern and central Texas. Features directory of units, camping information, contact information, and materials.
Southeast Louisianna Council
Based in Metairie, serving youth in southeast Louisiana. Includes camps, newsletters, calendar, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.
Southwest Florida Council
Serving Southwest Florida Council, with headquarters in Fort Meyers. Includes calendar, camps, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.
Suwannee River Area Council
Headquartered in Tallahassee, Florida. Includes calendar, information on camps and programs, and unit links.
Texas Trails Council
Official. Service area covers north central Texas. Includes map, newsletter, calendar, contacts, camp, program, and activity information.
Three Rivers Council
Based out of Beaumont, Texas. Includes maps, information on Camp Urland, maps, and calendar.
Tidewater Council
Headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, serving southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina. Includes calendar, directory, camps, contact information, on-line forms, and newsletter Knapsack.
Tukabatchee Area Council
Unofficial. Headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama. Includes links to district sites, calendar, and program information.
Tuscarora Council
Serving the youth in central North Carolina with headquarters in Goldsboro. Includes calendar, contacts, and district information.
West Central Florida Council
Serving youth in west central Florida, with headquarters in Seminole. Includes calendar, camps, district and training information.
West Tennessee Area Council
Serving youth in western Tennessee from its headquarters in Jackson. Includes information on Camp Mack Morris, calendar, district and contact information, and on-line forms.
Westark Area Council
Headquarters in Fort Smith, Arkansas serves Western and Northwest Arkansas, including Camp Orr and Rogers Scout Reservation. Also includes events, calendars, directories, plus district and council information.
Yocona Area Council
Serving northeast Mississippi with headquarters in Tupelo. Includes information on Camp Yocona, calendars, and contacts.