Abraham Lincoln Council
Service area includes central Illinois. Offers a calendar, newsletter, contact lists, maps, forms, district news and program information.
Allohak Council
Service area includes west-central West Virginia and southeast Ohio, with headquarters in Parkersburg, WV. Includes calendar, contact list, forms and information on activities, training, and a local survey.
Anthony Wayne Area Council
Serving northeastern Indiana, with headquarters in Fort Wayne. Includes calendar, camps, newsletter, contact information, and on-line forms.
Bay-Lakes Council
Service area covers northeast Wisconsin, with headquarters in Menasha. Offers information on camps, districts, newsletter, leader tools, training and contact lists.
Blackhawk Area Council
Serving the Rockford Illinois area. Includes information on camps, training, events and a contact list.
Blue Water Council
Based in Port Huron, Michigan, serving youth in St. Clair and Sanilac counties. Includes information on camps, calendar, training and contact information.
Buckskin Council
Based in Charleston, West Virginia, serving youth in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky. Includes calendar, contacts, camps, newsletter, district information, and a forms section.
Buffalo Trace Council
Headquartered in Evansville, Indiana, covering southwest Indiana and southeast Illinois. Includes calendar, camps, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.
Calumet Council
Service area includes northwest Indiana and northeast Illinois, with headquarters in Munster, Indiana. Includes activity information, training guides, and online newsletter.
Central Minnesota Council
Headquartered in St. Cloud, Minnesota, serving central Minnesota. Includes information on camps, districts, training, contact list and forms.
Chicago Area Council
Serving the Chicago, Illinois area. Includes calendar, camps, district, training, forms, and contact information.
Chief Okemos Council
Headquartered in Lansing, Michigan. Offers information on programs, camping facilities, forms, and resources.
Clinton Valley Council
Headquartered in Pontiac, Michigan. Offers calendar, forms, contact list and information on programs and training.
Cornhusker Council
Serving the eastern Nebraska area, with headquarters in Lincoln. Includes calendar, unit links, contacts and information on districts, programs, events and training.
Coronado Area Council
Serving north central and northwest Kansas, with headquarters in Salina. Includes calendar, events, camps, and contact information.
Crossroads of America Council
Service area is central Indiana, with headquarters in Indianapolis. Offers calendar, maps, directory, contact list, forms and information on camps, training, districts and events.
Dan Beard Council
Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio and serving youth in southwest Ohio. Includes camps, newsletter, district, training, contact information, and maps.
Des Plaines Valley Council
Headquartered in LaGrange, Illinois. Offers forms, calendar, program, and contact information.
Detroit Area Council
Serving the Detroit, Michigan metropolitan area. Includes events, calendars, camps, directories, maps, and district information.
Erie Shores Council
Serving Northwest Ohio and headquartered in Toledo, OH. Includes camps, maps, training and contact information.
Four Lakes Council
serves youth in Adams, Columbia, Dane, Iowa, Richland, and Sauk counties in south central Wisconsin, with headquarters in Madison. Includes an events calendar, news, and contact information.
Gamehaven Council
Serving youth in southeast Minnesota, with headquarters in Rochester. Includes calendar, newsletter, and district and training information.
Gateway Area Council
Serving youth in western Wisconsin, with headquarters in La Crosse. Includes information on camps, a newsletter, calendar, districts, contact list and a forms section.
Gerald R. Ford Council
Serving youth in central Michigan, with headquarters in Grand Rapids. Includes a calendar and information on camps, training, contact list, districts, and forms.
Great Rivers Council
Serving youth in central and northeastern Missouri with headquarters in Columbia. Includes calendar, newsletter, camps, training, and on-line forms.
Great Sauk Trail Council
Service area includes Livingston, Washtenaw, Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale and Jackson counties in Michigan with headquarters in Ann Arbor. Offers a directory, a calendar and information about camps and districts.
Great Trail Council
Service area includes Summit, Portage, Medina, and Northern Wayne Counties of Ohio, with headquarters in Akron. Offers historical information, current news, district events, training, and camping.
Greater Cleveland Council
Service area includes Cuyahoga and northern summit Ohio counties. Provides information on camps, training, event calendar, districts and a newsletter.
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Serving southeastern Missouri and southern Illinois with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Includes camps, district news, training information, a newsletter, program information and events.
Greater Western Reserve Council
Located in northeastern Ohio, headquartered in Warren. Includes calendar, camps, directory, district information, and on-line forms.
Hawkeye Area Council
Serving youth in Cedar Rapids (headquarters) and Iowa City, Iowa. Includes calendar, camps, training, districts, contact information and on-line forms.
Heart of America Council
Serving northwest Missouri and northeast Kansas with headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. Provides calendar, district, contact, and training information, camps, and on-line forms.
Illowa Council
Headquarters in Davenport, Iowa and serving youth in eastern Iowa and western Illinois. Includes calendar, camps, districts, training, contact list, and forms.
Indianhead Council
Serving youth in the Minnesota Counties of Ramsey, Washington, Chisago, Rice, Scott, Dakota, LeSueur, Anoka, and the Wisconsin Counties of Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, and Burnett (headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota). Includes council history, camps, district and training information, calendar, directory, and on-line forms.
Jayhawk Area Council
Serving youth in the Topeka, Kansas area. Offers information on districts, calendars, forms, program descriptions and training.
La Salle Council
Serving youth in northwest Indiana and southwest Michigan, with headquarters in South Bend, Indiana. Includes calendar, camps, district and contact information, training, commissioner service and forms.
Lake Huron Area Council
Serving youth in northeast lower Michigan (headquarters in Auburn). Includes information on camps, calendar, newsletter, districts and forms.
Lincoln Trails Council
Service area includes central Illinois, with headquarters in Decatur. Offers a calendar, district information, newsletter, directory, camps, maps, and forms.
Miami Valley Council
Located in western Ohio with headquarters in Dayton. Includes camps, calendar, district and training information, and council directory.
Mid-America Council
Includes camps, calendars, contacts, training, popcorn and district information. Serving northeast Nebraska, western Iowa, and southeast South Dakota with headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska.
Mid-Iowa Council
Headquartered in Des Moines and serving youth in central Iowa. Includes forms and information on programs, camping, activities and leader resources.
Milwaukee County Council
Based in Milwaukee and serving youth in southeast Wisconsin. Offers information on local camps, a calendar, programs and activities and a contact list.
Mississippi Valley Council
Headquartered in Quincy, IL. Service area includes southeast Iowa, western Illinois, and northeast Missouri. Includes programage eligibility and contact information.
Mountaineer Area Council
Serves youth in four counties in north-central West Virginia with headquarters in Fairmont. Includes information on Camp Mountaineer, calendar and events, and contact information.
Northeast Illinois Council
Serving Lake and Northern Cook counties, with headquarters in Highland Park. Includes calendar, camps, and district, training, and contact information.
Northeast Iowa Council
Service area includes northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois. Offers information on programs and activities, camps,districts, training, contact list and a newsletter.
Northern Lights Council
Resources for youth in North Dakota, northwest Minnesota, and parts of South Dakota and Montana, with headquarters in Fargo, North Dakota. Includes calendar, events, camps, district & training information, and on-line forms.
Northwest Suburban Council
Service area includes northwest portion of Chicago, Illinois. Provides information on camps, calendar, maps, districts, training, and a contact list.
Okaw Valley Council
Service area includes southern Illinois, with headquarters in Belleville. Offers a calendar, directory, camps, contact list, training and program information and forms.
Overland Trails Council
Serving youth in western Nebraska with headquarters in Grand Island. Includes contact list, and information on camps, training, activities and leader resources.
Ozark Trails Council
Headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. Offers information on programs, activities, districts, leader resources and local contacts.
Pony Express Council
Serving youth in northwest Missouri and northeast Kansas, with headquarters in St. Joseph, Missouri. Provides information on camps, calendar, contact information, training and forms.
Potawatomi Area Council
Headquartered in Waukesha, serving southeast Wisconsin. Includes calendar, camp, program, training, contact, and district information.
Prairielands Council
With headquarters in Champaign, Illinois, serving nine counties in west central Indiana and east central Illinois. Includes camp, events, directory and contact information, and on-line forms
Quivira Council
Serving youth in south central Kansas, with headquarters in Wichita. Includes newsletter, maps, training, district, event, and commisioner resources.
Rainbow Council
Serving youth in northeastern Illinois, south of Chicago. Includes information on camps, calendars, newsletter, districts, training, and contact information.
Sagamore Council
Serving youth in fifteen Indiana counties with headquarters in Kokomo. Includes information on programs, training, maps, forms, local contacts and districts.
Samoset Council
Serving youth and leaders in central and northern Wisconsin with headquarters in Weston. Offers information about camps, districts, local contacts,training and local contacts.
Santa Fe Trail Council
Service area includes nineteen counties in southwestern Kansas with headquarters in Garden City. Offers information about summer camp, local calendar, contact list, training and a newsletter.
Scenic Trails Council
Serving youth in lower northwest Michigan, with headquarters in Traverse City. Includes a calendar and information on districts, camps, forms, training and a newsletter.
Simon Kenton Council
Serves central and southern Ohio, and northern Kentucky, with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Includes calendar, camps, newsletter, directory, district and contact information.
Sinnissippi Council
Serving youth in south-central Wisconsin and northern Illinois, with headquarters in Janesville, Wisconsin. Includes a calendar and information on districts, training, camps and a local contact list.
Sioux Council
Serving youth in eastern South Dakota, southwestern Minnesota, and northwestern Iowa, with headquarters in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Includes calendar, camps, directory, and information on districts, training, and local contacts.
Southeast Wisconsin Council
Serving youth in southeastern Wisconsin, with headquarters in Racine. Provides a calendar, newsletter, contact list, and information on districts, training, camps and forms.
Southwest Michigan Council
Serving youth in southwest Michigan with headquarters in Kalamazoo. Includes information on camps, calendar, districts and training.
Stonewall Jackson Area Council
Serving youth in Virginia and eastern West Virginia with headquarters in Waynesboro, VA. Includes information on camps, training, districts, contacts and a newsletter.
Tall Pine Council
Serving youth in central Michigan and headquartered in Flint, MI. Provides information about camps, area calendar, districts, training, events,activities, local contacts, and forms.
Tecumseh Council
Headquartered in Springfield, Ohio; serving youth in five Ohio counties: Champaign, Logan, Clark, Greene and Clinton. Provides information on camps, districts, events, maps, training and contact information.
The Heart of Ohio Council
Located in north-central Ohio (headquarters in Mansfield). Includes calendar, camps, district, training, and contact information.
Three Fires Council
Headquartered in St. Charles and serving youth in northern Illinois. Includes camps, and district, training, and contact information.
Trails West Council
Serving youth in southwestern Illinois (Bond, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, and Madison counties), with headquarters in Wood River. Includes newsletter, calendar, camps, district and contact information, and on-line forms.
Twin Valley Council
Serving youth in southern Minnesota, with headquarters in Mankato. Includes camps, calendar, directory, district, training, and contact information, maps, and forms.
Viking Council
Serving the western half of the metropolitan twin cities (headquarters in Minneapolis), Stearns and Swift Counties, and Central Minnesota. Includes camps, calendar, district, training, and contact information, maps, and on-line forms.
Viking Council
Unofficial site. Serving the western half of the metropolitan twin cities (headquarters in Minneapolis), Stearns and Swift Counties, and Central Minnesota. Includes camps, calendar, district, training, photos, web resources, and contact information, maps, and on-line forms.
Voyageurs Area Council
Serving youth in northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, and Michigan's western UP with headquarters in Hermantown, Minnesota. Includes newsletter, calendar, maps, and district and contact information.
WD Boyce Council
Headquartered in Peoria, Illinois, serving youth in fourteen counties in central Illinois. Includes camps, district and contact information, FAQs, directory, and on-line forms.
Winnebago Council
Service area includes northern Iowa, with headquarters in Waterloo. Offers information on Order of the Arrow, camping, forms, activities, training and districts.