Low, Juliette Gordon
Birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, Girl Scout Fountain, Gordon Family, Juliette Gordon Low Bust, Juliette Gordon Low Commemorative Stamp, Low, Juliette, Low, Juliette Gordon, Low, Juliette Gordon, Low, Juliette Gordon, Low, Juliette Gordon
Brief History of the Girl Scouts of the USA
Official GSUSA history pages.
Girl Scout Historical Uniforms
Uniform collection by Merana and includes general Scouting information.
Girl Scouts Yesterday and Today
Historic information concerning the Girl Scouts of the USA including biographical sketch of Birdsall Otis Edey.
History of the Girl Scout Organization
Founders, development and organization of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
The Girl Scout Law through the years
Changes and Development in the GS Law.