Brownie Girl Scouts WebRing
Ring for Brownies and Daisies of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
Junior Girl Scout Webring
Contains application to add URL to the ring.
Scouting across the World
Web Ring submissions page, formerly the Scouting in Europe web ring.
The Scouting Network
ScoutNet web ring application page.
The Scouting Webring
The starting page for the webring includes information on how to join the ring.
The Scouting Webring Directory
Includes information numerous webrings, world wide search facility, and site policies.
The Scouts Webring
La Anilla Scout, a worldwide webring for scouts.
The USA Scouts Webring
A webring for Scouts of North America in the United States and Canada only.
WAGGGS Webring
Application for inclusion on the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ring.