2nd Hong Kong Badge Exchange
Send a badge and receive the new Hong Kong Emblem. Over 200 world wide badges on display.
Adams's Patch Zone
United States and international patch images, and trading information.
Andrew's Patch Trading
Boy Scout and OA Patch trading and includes a Trade-o-ree calendar.
Boy Scout Patch Trading from Illinois
Council Sholder Patch (CSP) trading, incluedes wants and duplicates, image archive, and trading links.
Council Shoulder Patches for Sale or Trade
Kirk Doan's list of wants and traders.
David Miura's Boy Scout Patch Trading
International Scouting memorabilia collector and trader.
GA & VA Flaps and Patches - OA & BSA
Offering to trade all Georgia and Virginia Boy Scout lodge flaps, OA function patches, and camp patches.
Girl Scout & Girl Guide Patch/Silk/Crest Tradi
Includes Girl Scout patch trading, e-mail addresses of patch traders, trader forum and Patch Trader Webring.
Meador Boy Scout Patch Trading
Includes want list and items for trade.
Newfoundland and Labrador Patches
Index of items for trade
Night Owl Traders
Contains images of collection, list of trade contacts, message board, and links. CSP's from Gulf Ridge Council to trade and list of other items.
Trader message board, image archive, common patch abbreviation descriptions.(Tonkawa, Karankawa, Arapaho, Capitol Area Council)
Paul's Patchshack
Personal trading site with duplicate patches, needed patches, and patches in collection of an Eagle Scout in North Florida Council.
Scout Badge
United Kingdom oriented trading site displays badges for trade, terms of trade, contacts, and links.
Scout Badges for Tradeing
Scout badges from Brazil and other countries.
Scouter Bryan's Crest and Badge Trade Center
Includes want and available listings to trade badges from Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Scouting Swopping
Trading Scouting crests, includes a personal catalogue facility to list items for trade and a searchable catalogue capability.
Tall's Patch Page
Trader of over 2500 csps, flaps, camp patches, foreign Scout badges pictured.
The Boy Scout Patch Trader's Network
Contains lists of items for trade and trading contacts.
The Camp Blanket -
Scout Badge/Patch Trading shows badges and descriptions to help aid scouts all over the world to communicate and trade badges/patches and other scout items.
WV Trader
Offers a sales list, trader list, news, needs list, and contact information to buy, sell, and trade West Virginia Order of the Arrow memorabillia