Ameco AC-1 Transmitter
WA9WFA's great little QRP tube CW transmitter.
Ameco AC-1 Transmitter II
Joe Tyburczy, W1GFH has produced a great page including schematics, pictures and stories about this 6V6 novice rig.
Bartlesville Kilowatt Transmitter
Homebrew rig from 1937, of unique style. Built by W5GAE, Preston Gaddis of Bartlesville, OK., who is now a silent key.
Besco Internacional
AM - FM Used broadcast transmitters for sale. Dallas, Texas
Classic Radio Gallery - Transmitters II
Several pages of transmitters on display here.
Columbia Electronics
Various brands of military surplus transmitters sold, bought or traded. Located near Los Angeles.
Ken Lotts AA7JC
An Ameci AC-1 and a Harvey Wells transmitter plus his homebrew single tube 12 watt transmitter with pictures, and schematics.
LA5KI's Hallicrafters transmitters
The HT-series. Pictures and descriptions.
Micamold XTR-1
Great little 25 Watt transmitter for 80, 40 and 20 meters.
The Harvey-Wells TBS-50D
Venerable old AM-CW, all-band HF transmitter covering up to 144 MHz band with an 807 final. By WB6FZH.
The BC-610 Page
N3EYR presents an introductory account of his own experiences with this transmitter.