Am I A Man Breatsed God Or Not?
Rate pictures of man breasts and decide whether they are a man breasted god or not.
Am I a Scary Clown or Not?
Cast your on clown pictures and decide which is a scary clown and which is not.
Am I Blue or Not?
Flooble's answer to the proliferation of picture rating sites. Lets you rate on the scale from 1 to 10 how Blue a color is.
Am I Fugly or Not?
Fuglyness rating site complete with fugly pictures.
Am I President or Not?
Rate how presidential the contestants are.
Am I Redneck or Not?
Decide if the picture is redneck or not and find out what others thought.
How Many Would it Take?
Test your beer goggle skills. Vote on men and women's pictures and decide how many beers it would take for you to find them attractive.
Monkey Hot or Not?
Primate rating site, with separate categories for monkeys and apes. [Modern Humorist]
Public Intellectual or Not?
Rate well-known public thinkers.
Ricecop's Rice or Not?
Rate photos of automobiles based on a 1 to 10 rice factor scale.
Vote on or upload pictures of people who have had too much to drink. Your vote determines if they are Wasted Or Not.