Detailed pictures and information about the savannah monitor lizard (V.exanthematicus)
Fossil Monitor Lizards
History of Monitors Lizards, which may help you learn a little more about your pet.
Honolulu Zoo - Monitor Lizards
Physical Characteristics, Behavior, Diet, Reproduction and Growth...
Kimberly Rock Monitor
Natural history, husbandry, and breeding information on Varanus glauerti.
Monitor Lizard Guidelines
Document for keeping monitor lizards; provided by the American Federation of Herpetoculturists.
Savannah Monitors
Includes message board, pet care articles, and image gallery.
Savannah Monitors
Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care Collection. Savannah Monitor Information.
Spiny-Tailed Monitor
Natural history, husbandry, and captive breeding of the Red Acanthurus (Varanus a. acanthurus).
Pictures, caresheets, descriptions, classifieds section, and forum. (in English and Dutch)
Varanus exanthematicus ssp.
Savannah monitor care, purchasing, housing, feeding, claw trimming, and links.
White Throat Monitor
Care and husbandry information. Also includes information about the owner's personal white throat monitor.
Yoshi: The Savannah Monitor
All about Yoshi my savannah monitor and keeping monitors in general.