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A site about French Lops and Standard Rex bunnies. Find links, message boards and get free E-Mail.
French Lops
Hobbyist breeder of big, cuddly, companion pet French Lop rabbits, located in the UK.
Kasey's Klassy Lops
Promotion and care of the French Lop rabbit. Reasonable priced, located in Norco, California.
Lop Rabbit Club of Ohio
Promoting English and French Lops in Ohio and surrounding states. Offers list of sanctioned shows, sweepstakes and Top Lop contests, and membership application.
Powells' Hoppy Acres
Top Quality stock in Western PA. Bred for type, color and temperment. Reading room, stock for sale and related links.
Ross Rabbits
Breeder of purebred French Lop and Netherland Dwarf rabbits. Litter-training information, links, care, and stock available. Located in UK.
Sunny Brook Rabbitry
Breeder of French, Mini, Holland Lops and Jersey Woolies. Specializes in rare colors. Located in Canada B.C.