Alaska Dog Names
Native Alaskan dog names with English translation, provided by the Alaska Native Language Center.
Dog Groups
Dog names in Latin, listed alphabetically and includes meanings.
Dog Names
Database of dog names. Search by category including fashion, sports, and personality.
Dog names based on cartoons, literature, personality, and country of origin.
Dog names by popularity, meanings, and categories, such as cartoon, music, food, or personality.
Fur All Over
Suggestions for naming your dogs. Add your own pet's name.
Names for Lowchens
Thousands of names and links to other name sites categorized by theme, culture, and meaning. For Lowchens or any other breed of dog.
Puppy Dog Web
Dog names based on single, double, or triple names and country of origin.
Tibetan Dog Names
Dog names in Tibetan provided by Tibetan Spaniel Network.
We Can't Think of a Name
Names for dogs, cats, babies, and boats.