North of England Scottish Terrier Club
Breed standard, show results, events calendar, list of members, and how to join.
Scottish Terrier Breeders and Exhibitors Associati
Offers general breed information as well as information on upcoming shows and events. United Kingdom.
Scottish Terrier Club of America
Health information, tips for buying a puppy, breeder referral list, and news.
Scottish Terrier Club of California
Newsletter, breed standard and history, events calendar, and rescue information.
Scottish Terrier Club of Northern Ohio
Includes club history, calendar of events as well as information on specialty and membership.
Scottish Terrier Club, Inc.
Breed information, club history, and a calendar of events. New South Wales, Australia.
Washington State Scottish Terrier Club
Regional affiliate of the Scottish Terrier Club of America. Club history and membership information, events, rescue and educational seminars.