Allforus Keeshonds
Breeders located in Cumbria, England, with pictures of their dogs.
Deminiac Keeshonds
Breeders in Ireland with Irish, English and International Champions.
Dezzo Keeshonden
Nete Helt-Hensen. Includes information about Kees owned over the years including their pedigrees.
Kichigai Spitz
A family run kennel in the North of England showing and breeding Keeshonds and Pomeranians.
Kings Suttonkees Keeshonden
Located in Kessel-lo, Belgium. Home of Kings Suttonkees Kennel and Multi-Ch. Bargeway Firestorm. [Nederlands, Francais]
Legun's Kennel
Gunilla and Leif Neble, Västerlanda, Sweden, includes pictures and pedigrees of Keeshonden they own. Bilingual site (English/Swedish).
Middenslag Keeshond
Pictures and pedigrees of white Kees, with links of interest. Located in Belgium.
Vistakulles' Kennel
Outside Huskvarna, Sweden. Pictures of the dogs and contact information.
Wolfs & Kleinspitze v. Ellinger Tal
Site of a breeder in Germany, with pictures of their pack, home and information about the breed and health care.