Bohlach, Brinkybull, Bruin Kennels, Bullpower, Daywalker, Gameguard, Konda Kennels, Opalguard, Powerbulmas Kennels, Squires
AlbertaPride, Black Harbour, Brawny Kennel, Bullmax, DeFalsarel Kennel, Garroway Kennels, INXS Kennels, Janhamer, Kinanama, Kristim Kennel
United Kingdom
Alkestra, Baileys Boy of Chapel, Burgau, Cathaljay, Chaff's, Lizstick, Meitza, Oscar, Kira and Amber
United States
Aamodt's, Airis Jordan, Bacchus, Barb'Eric, Bastion, Big Game, Blazin, Blue Sky, Bo-Wray, Braveheart
Australasian Bullmastiff Breeders and Fanciers
Breeder lists in Australia, UK and US.
Game Keeper
News, photographs, show results, and litter announcements. Norway.
Garner's Kennel
Photographs, pedigrees, litter announcements, and handling information. France. [English and French].
Mighty Mates
Photographs, kennel philosophy, and news. Germany. [English and German].