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Aeolus Salukis, Aijalon Salukis, Akissla Salukis, Al Asmaanii Salukis, Al Sayad Salukis, Al Yaman Salukis, Amala Salukis, Arel Salukis, Baahir's Photo Journal, Bostan-I-Elbekh Salukis
Colorado Lure Coursing Association, Finnish Saluki Club, Garden State Saluki Club, Huron Valley Saluki Club, Saluki Club of America, Saluki Club of Canada, Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco, Svenska Salukiringen/Swedish Saluki Club, Williamette Valley Saluki Club
Bally, Eris and Mari, Dogwoods Salukis, Salukis from the Negev Desert
Rescues and Shelters
Saluki Tree of Life Association
Cook Photography
Saluki photographer Warren Cook's site includes contact and schedule information. View and order photos from the SCOA national and other events.
Saluki Breed Standard
This document, maintained by the Saluki Club of America, describes in detail the attributes that define the saluki architype.
Saluki Forum
A collecting point for the information and opinions of Saluki enthusiasts worldwide. Breed information and discussion boards.
Saluki, Gazelle Hound
Database of Breed Information Exchange
Saluki: History and Origins
Educates the public on how the Saluki evolved and why, drawing on some well documented examples of the Saluki from very ancient times, going back to 3,000 B.C.
Salukis in Europe
This site provides information and web space for breeders in Europe.
Scott's Saluki Site
List of saluki related email lists and webboard.