english deutsch
Angel PONS of Wizard Creek, Awangarda Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Bialy van het Goralenhof, Borgakers Kennel of the Polski Owczarek Nizinny, Bratsiostra Polish Lowland Sheepdogs NL, Crossmount Witamy, D'Barcy Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, DarBozy PONs, DIVA PONS: Polish Lowland Sheepdogs - Shaggy Dogs , Domlina PONs
American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club, American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club - APLSC, Belgium Nizinny Club, Canadian Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club, Florida PON Fanciers Club, Great Lakes Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club, Pacific PONs, Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club of Wales, PON Club of Poland, Yankee PON Club Host to the 2005 APONC National Sp
Circle Bar PON, Jenni and Lider Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Kingi and Milou Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Mona Lisa - PON, Potpourri PON
Rescues and Shelters
Polish Lowland Sheepdog Rescue, Rescue
Pieldi Pon
Breed history and information on Polish Lowland Sheepdogs in the UK. Show dates and results, breed standards, UK contacts,and links.
Polish Lowland Breeders Directory UK
Information on the PON and breeders of Polish Lowland Sheepdogs in the UK.
Polski Owczarek Nizziny (PON)
FCI standard in many languages, pictures of more than 150 PON around the world, breeders, videos, and sounds.
Pon Owners Online
Polish Lowland Sheepdogs in France and Poland. Information on judges and pedigrees.
PON Times
The first non-club informational and educational magazine for the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Each publication is full of articles, pictures, and stories about the PON.
PONs in America
PON owners show off their PONs, share knowledge, promote communication and provide a general resource for the public researching the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. FAQs, photographs, stories, breeder list, chat, merchandise, and links.