english deutsch
Feral, American Bird Conservancy: Cats Indoors, Animal Welfare: The Indoor/Outdoor Cats Debate, Animal Welfare: The Truth About Cats and Wildlife, Animals Australia: Cats - Facts and Myths, Australian Cats, Bird Dog News: The Silent Wildlife Killer, Cat Fanciers: The Outside World, Cat Herding on the Military Range, Cat World: Cats in the Garden, Cats of Rome
Elective Surgery, Vaccinations
Cat Fanciers' Association Legislative Committ, Cats Must be on Leads, CFA: Pedigreed Cats Face Extinction, Dartmouth College Library: Cats, Gazette.Net: County Proposes Letting Cats Roam if , Gazette.Net: Duncan Backtracks over Cat Control, Gazette.Net: Keeping Felines in Line, Gazette.Net: Keeping Felines Inline, Law Library Resource Xchange: The Domestic Cat and, Loony Laws about Animals
Twisty Cats
Cat Fanciers' Association: Comments on ?Twist, Cats in the House: The Twisty Cat Debate, Kangaroo Cats and Squittens Revealed, Karma Farms: Flipper - One Cute Twisty Kat and the, The Cat's Meow: What are Twisty Cats?, Twisty Cats and the Ethics of Breeding for Deformi, VetCentric: Munchkin Land, Yahoo Groups: twistyban
Ailurophobes and Other Cat-Haters.
Article about cat hatred by Carl Van Vechten.
Australian Cat Bashing Campaign Backfires
Examines the consequences of the campaign against domestic cats by linking the decline in cat ownership with an increase in the incidence of dog attack. Includes supporting links and forum. (Content warning)
BBC News: Britons Prefer Cats to Dogs
Cats are now more popular with Britons than dogs with 7.5 million cats kept as pets.
BBC News: Cat Call at ?Mouses of Parliament?
British members of parliament sign a motion to bring in cats to end the problem of mice settling into the Houses of Parliament.
BBC News: Evolution of Supercats
Article by BBC Science Reporter Helen Briggs about a claim that cats have evolved ways to exploit humans using their miaow.
Cat Fanciers: Are Owned Cats Causing an Overpopula
A National Pet Alliance report compares 1000 feral cats with 1000 pet cats, over their life span, to examine population growth.
Cats United International: Kitten Mills
Views on backyard breeders and kitten mills.
Collars and Bells
Addresses the ?bell the cat? campaign.
Messybeast Cat Resource Archive
Researcher Sarah Hartwell's view on a range of cat issues.
New Scientist: Ancient Remains Could be Oldest Pet
People tamed cats as pets at least 9500 years ago, say researchers who have unearthed the grave of a prehistoric tabby in Cyprus.
New Scientist: GM Cats to be Sneeze Free
A US company announced a plan to create a genetically modified cat without the protein that causes allergies in humans.
Please Help - Action Alert
Campaign by Alley Cat Allies demanding that the National Geographic Society halt distribution of its documentary, ?The Secret Life of Cats?.
Purina Cat Chow: Proof Positive, Cats are Good For
How children can benefit from a pet cat.
The Cat/Human Bond
Examines the implications of our relationship with cats. Disuses domestication, rodent killing, cats as pets, breeding and showing and cat-based industries.
The Cult of the Cat: Towards Tolerance
Observations about our attitude towards cats.
The Feline Advisory Bureau: Cats - Sorting Fact fr
Examines many myths about cats including cats and babies, diseases transmissible from cats and allergies.
The Iowa City Animal Center: The Truth About Cats
Addresses concerns that cats smother babies.