english deutsch
(N)Alegría, Advent Hill, Alvhems, Amber Pendragon, Astyages, Autumnleaf, Badsworth, Bagpuss, BallyKiss / Naryan Mar, Bazbrits
British Shorthair Breeders Group, British shorthair Breedrs cats and kittens, British Shorthair Cat Club, Colourpointed British Shorthair Cat Club, Short-Haired Cat Society, Southern British Shorthairs Cat Club
Personal Pages
Fantasia, Greymeow, British Shorthair - Teddy Bear of Catwor, Gucci and the Brits, Silvercats, The Parish Cats
AACE Breed Standard - British Shorthair, CFA Breed Standard - British Shorthair
Web Rings
British Shorthair Cat Webring
British Shorthair: Cat Breed FAQ
A complete and concise description of the British Shorthair.
CFA Breed Article: British Shorthair
An article from the CFA Almanac about the history of the breed, with special attention to show history.
CFA Breed Profile: British Shorthair
Features the qualities and characteristics of this cat type.
FBRL Breed Page: British Shorthair
Information, links, and breeder contact information for the British Shorthair cat breed.