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Animal Planet: Reading Your Cat
Becoming attuned to your cat's temperament and idiosyncrasies.
Calming Your Cat
An information source for learning how ease your cat's anxiety, to combat spraying and marking in inappropriate places, and how to help your cat deal with children, new people, and loud noises.
Cat Fancy: Drugs Can Help Scaredy Cats or Aggressi
Describes sedatives and antianxiety medications that may help cats with problems.
Cat Fancy: Fearful Cat
Treating cats that are fearful of thunderstorms.
Community Animal Welfare Society: Cat Psychology
Offers articles on a wide variety of feline topics, including understanding your cat's territorial nature, tips on litterbox training and controlling cat aggression.
Koshka's Little Corner: Phobias and Other Anx
Discusses separation anxiety, thunderstorm anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Pet Education: Fear of Thunderstorms and Noise Pho
Examines treatment of noise phobias including counter conditioning and desensitization.
Pet Education: Stress
The causes of stress in cats are explained.
Petalia: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders in Cats
Explains what obsessive-compulsive disorder is with some examples, how a behavior becomes compulsive, what feline psychogenic overgrooming is and how disorders are treated.
Purina Cat Chow: How to Help a Depressed Cat
Addresses depression in cats.
The Daily Cat: Your Cat's Psyche
Guide to understanding your cat. Includes a question and answer section writted by a feline behavior expert, instructions on health and nutrition and tips on recognizing signs of illness.