13 Pumpkin Avenue Costumes and Masks
Do-it-yourself ideas for costumes, paper masks, and simple makeup. Some appropriate for adults, some for children.
AskMen.com : Picking a Halloween costume
Article with tips on picking a man's Halloween costume.
Better Homes and Gardens: Halloween Costumes and M
Ideas for making Halloween costumes and masks for children up to age 13.
Celebrity Look-Alikes
From a sales site for impersonators, color photos of costumes for Carmen Miranda, Mae West, Ethel Merman, Peggy Lee.
Costumes for Halloween or Pretend Play
Costumes made from materials at home, including army costumes, frog, butterfly, eyeball, flower, popcorn, scarecrow, Harry Potter, and several dozen others.
Devishly Romantic Costumes
Romantic Halloween costumes for partners. It is a list only, and does not include instructions.
Easy Animal Costumes for Infants and Up
Sixteen costumes ideas and directions for infants and toddlers.
FabricLink's Halloween Costume Closet,
Resources, tips, and do-it-yourself projects for costumes.
Free Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids from Velcro
Velcro provides costume ideas for Halloween costumes made using Velcro fastners.
Frugal Halloween Costumes
Costume ideas for using dark clothing, such as dark pants and jacket.
Gruesome and Scary Halloween Costumes
Not really. Costumes appropriate for children who want to be a mummy or a ghost or other "scary" character.
Halloween Costume Construction
Information on creating costumes with a focus on Xena.
Halloween Costume Ideas
Includes pointers, tips, a long list of specific character suggestions, instructions for simple costumes, and links to costume sales sites.
Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids
Costumes to sew or make for kids - angel, Superman, baseball player, Harry Potter, Jack of All Treats, and penny.
Halloween Costumes, Traditional Favorites
List of what is needed for several dozens of traditional costumes suitable for toddlers and up, and adaptable for infants.
Halloween Hangout-Quick Costumes
A dozen or more simple to make, classic costumes.
Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas
Ghost, soda pop can, clown, several dozen others.
Homemade Halloween Costumes
Parents write in and describe costumes they have made for their children.
Kid's Halloween Costumes
A few suggestions for making simple costumes for babies and small children: angel, backwards person, Barney, spider.
KinderArt Masks
Make a simple mask using paper; suitable for ages 4-12.
Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Quick and simple costume ideas for all ages, from infants to adults.
Make A Frugal Harry Potter Costume for Halloween
Simple instructions using inexpensive materials.
Make Your Own Costume
Simple costume instructions for traditional and humorous costumes.
Sesame Workshop: Magician in a Moment
A quickly made magician's costume.
Spend Time With Kids By Making Halloween Costumes
Costume ideas and encouragement to spend time making a costume with a child rather than just buying one; from Mississippi State University.
The Bridge School Halloween Costumes
An archive of instructions for children's costumes. Includes costumes suitable for children with limited mobility, including kids in wheel chairs. Photos.
Treats and No-Trick Costumes
Instructions for several costumes (flowers, caterpillar) plus some Halloween treats recipes.
Virtual Halloween Costume Fashion Show
Visitors to this site have contributed photos of costumes they have made for their children; instructions included.
What Works: Costume Ideas from Parents
Parents share their experiences with which costumes work for elementary and middle school students. Includes age range, materials list, and instructions.
Whip Up Your Own Halloween Costumes
Two quick costume ideas for parents of preschoolers: Trick or treat bird or an alligator.